If you have any questions after reviewing the directions and attempting to schedule an exam, call SAS at 262-595-2372 or email us at


  • After your meeting with SAS, you will receive an email of your approved accommodations that you should either forward to your instructors, or print it out and give to them.
  • Talk to your instructor in their office within the first two weeks of class or within one week of receiving your email with approved accommodations.
  • Let them know what accommodation(s) you will use.
  • Schedule your exams using the on-line Test Room Booking module in your Accommodate account at least two or more business days before exam. If you know exam dates for the semester, you can schedule them all ahead of time.
  • Speak to or email instructor two or more business days prior to testing date, to remind them to email test to Student Accessibility Services (SAS).
  • Instructors will provide exam to SAS and will include any special instructions such as open or closed book, notes, basic or scientific calculator, etc. Completed exam will be returned to instructor by SAS staff.
  • SAS will proctor exams in our testing area located on the 3rd floor of the library (L3).
  • We also have two testing stations in our WYLLIE, D187 office, which will be used occasionally. SAS will email students who need to report to D187 instead of L3. On the day of the test arrive 10 minutes early and bring your photo ID.
  • Final Exams: schedule them using the on-line Test Room Booking module in your Accommodate account at least 2-3 weeks prior to date of exam.
  • Ask the instructor to extend the time (online), prepare a CD for listening portion.
  • Testing hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  • Make arrangements with your instructor to take the test earlier in the day if you want SAS to proctor.
  • If you are approved for a note taker, you should email SAS for information on a new notetaker process using Glean Notetaker app.
  • Call (262) 595-2372 to schedule an appointment with Specialist/Director.


  • You cannot schedule exams until the first day of the semester.
  • You must schedule exams at the time your class is taking the exam.
  • If you want to take an exam at an alternate day and/or time, obtain prior approval from your instructor, then schedule the exam with us.
  • When SAS approves your request for an alternate date and time, we’re not giving you permission (only your instructor can do that), we’re approving that we’ve put you on the exam schedule for that day and time.


  • Before scheduling your retest exam with SAS, check with your instructor as they may have planned for their own staff to proctor the retest in their department.
  • Retests can be scheduled up to 1 business day in advance.
  • Schedule your retest in the testing room module.


  • Ask your instructor when they would like you to take the exam before you schedule it in the testing room module.


Students are responsible to cancel a testing request due to an anticipated absence, if the instructor changed the date, if it was scheduled incorrectly or if the class was dropped.

  1. Go to your Testing Room Home Page.
  2. All exams you’ve scheduled are in listed under “Approved Testing Appointment Requests”.
  3. Click on the horizontal ellipsis (three dots) by the exam you need to cancel or reschedule to start process again.
  4. Follow up with an email to SAS indicating which exam, date and time you cancelled.


  • Access on-line exam booking through your personal accommodate account.
  • Schedule all your exams at once by referencing your syllabus.
  • All your courses and testing accommodations are listed in the module.
  • Extended time will be calculated automatically.
  • You’ll get email confirmation of your request.
  • Log in at any time to verify what exams you’ve scheduled.

Student Accessibility Services

Wyllie Hall D187
900 Wood Rd. 
Kenosha, WI 53144

View Map


8:00 AM-4:30 PM


Phone 32x32 262-595-2372
1Fax 32x32 262-595-2138
Email 32x32

* Please note that email, phone and fax lines are not monitored on the weekends.*

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