Please join us on August 3 to learn more about the National Science Foundation-funded, WiSys-led initiative to advance sustainable agriculture in Wisconsin!
The NSF Engines Development Award, “NSF Engines Development Award: Advancing Sustainable Agriculture in Wisconsin,” will support a partnership of 30 organizations from across the state, including UW-Parkside, as we lay the groundwork to develop an ambitious, effective and credible 'regional innovation engine' that harnesses the region's talent and intellectual capital to make Wisconsin a global leader in sustainable agriculture.
WiSys, the project lead, is the supporting foundation of the University of Wisconsin System whose mission is to support research, innovation, and entrepreneurship across the state.
You are invited to join us for a morning and afternoon of information-sharing and networking!
11:00 am
Welcome and Introductions
11:10 am
“Advancing Sustainable Agriculture Technologies in Wisconsin:
An NSF ENGINES initiative”
by Dr. Arjun Sanga, President, WiSys
11:55 am
“UW-Parkside’s Role in Advancing Sustainable Agriculture in WI”
by Profs. George Li and Suresh Chalasani
12:25 pm
Discussion and Networking
12:45 pm
(if you plan to attend the luncheon, please RSVP with Julie Lee by Wed, July 26)
Presentations will take place in the Galbraith Room (WYLL 343) at UW-Parkside.
For additional information or questions, please contact Julie Lee, Provost’s Office, at 262-595-2261 or
This event is sponsored by the Center for Research and Innovation in Smart Cities and the Provost’s Office.