Chancellor Ford Community Message 3-23-20

Published: March 23, 2020
By: UW-Parkside Marketing & Communications

University of Wisconsin-Parkside Chancellor Deborah Ford delivers an important message to the community regarding COVID-19. 



Good afternoon, everyone--

Thank you, thank you for your continued perseverance during these unsettling times of fast-moving change.  I truly appreciate everyone’s commitment to our students, to our learning community, and to one another. 

UW-Parkside faculty and staff are demonstrating the resiliency of our university through their actions and dedication to student success as we prepare to restart the semester on March 30th using online and other distance education methods. 
I have asked our students, faculty and staff to stay up to date via the UW-Parkside COVID-19 resources website – uwp dot edu slash corona virus – and to assist their colleagues as we move more of our curriculum and academic support services online.

Now, more than ever, as a university we must exhibit our shared values and focus on our strategic pillars of providing transformative educational experiences for our students; continually improving student success; partnering with our communities; and striving to be a best place to work. 

I am so proud of how my colleagues have responded as a learning community and I am seeing amazing acts of kindness, humorous ways to cope, and a willingness to engage in new ways of delivering courses and services to our students.

Your UW-Parkside campus leadership team continues to meet daily. We are focused on launching digital resources and websites to provide students and faculty with the most up-to-date information, answer their questions, and share resources.
The campus leadership team is working as quickly as possible to assess and respond to the impact on students, our workforce, and campus operations – and we are working to update our policies and practices. 

We have identified the following key goals to guide us (the university) as we work through the response and recovery phases:

1) Focus on the health and safety of our campus community and the communities we serve
2) Deliver our Academic Mission of teaching and learning via distance methods
3) We are doing our part to flatten the curve of the COVID 19 virus, and I thank you for your cooperation
4) Leverage the expertise of our faculty and staff, and the many assets we have as a University to support our community partners as together we respond to this pandemic

It has been a difficult few weeks for all of us as this national public health emergency continues to impact every aspect of our lives.

The emotional strain of uncertainty and how each of us adapts to this unprecedented challenge, and how we take care of ourselves and our families will differ. Remember the basics of washing your hands and practicing the new rules for physical distance. Exercise, eat well, and get enough rest.

Above all, let’s stay connected as a learning community. Let’s try Facetime, video chats and conference calls, WebEx, Blackboard Collaborate, or Canvas, and use all the tools at our disposal, as great ways to stay in touch and stay connected as the UW-Parkside learning community.

Stay healthy and stay safe! And thank you. Thank you for your commitment to the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, and this amazing community. Go Rangers!

Debbie Ford, Chancellor
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