Monday Update | UW-Parkside Library
Happy Monday, Rangers!
I’m happy to provide the Monday Update from the UW-Parkside Library today.
Watch the video to find out about what we are doing in the library during this Fall 2020 semester. You may want to turn on captions for the best experience.
I’d like to share news about your colleagues in the Library:
- Laura Briskie serves on two Council of UW Libraries [CUWL] system-wide committees: CUWL Collection Development and the CUWL E-Resources/Acquisition Interest Group
- Jennie Callas is the new copyeditor for Weave: Journal of Library User Experience; see its latest issue. She recently published a book chapter: Callas, J. E. (2019). An introduction to academic librarianship. In M. Hodge (Ed.), The future academic librarian’s toolkit: Finding success on the job hunt and in your first job (pp. 3–24). Chicago: ACRL.
- Jay Dougherty serves in the UW Libraries Shared Systems Technical Data group and is a UW Shared Systems Campus Contact.
- Shauna Edson serves as Chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries Section Membership Committee, July 2020-Present, and she serves as a board member for the Autumn Farm Animal Sanctuary in Cedarburg, WI. She has recently published an article and a case study: Edson, S. (2019). Escape rooms build better researchers. Codex, The Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL. 5.(3), 30-43; and Edson, S. (2019). A Train-the-trainer course for faculty instructors, a case study. In Pitts, J. E., Bonella, L., Coleman, J.M. & Wathen, A. (Eds.), Library Services for Online Patrons A Manual for Facilitating Access, Learning, and Engagement (pp. 113-115). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
- Dina Kaye is a UW Libraries Shared Systems Campus Contact and a member of the the CUWL Collection Development Committee.
- Melissa Olson works on the Digital Preservation Expertise Group of the UW System Archives Council.
- Rebecca Robbennolt is the new Chair of the UW System Records Officers Council and also represents that group on the State of Wisconsin’s Public Records Board’s Operation and Training Advisory Committee.
- Heather Spencer serves as an executive board member for Kenosha Human Development Services.
- Anna Stadick is the chair-elect of CUWL and serves as a member of the UWM School of Information Science’s MLIS Advisory Board.
I also invite you to take a look at new features:
Construction Progress Videos
Please see a brief before/now comparison here or visit our YouTube site to see the library transformation weekly from the beginning
New Collections
Discover a new way of organizing selected books around a specific theme, such as Antiracism, LGBTQ Topics, New Books, and more here.
What can you do in the library right now?
Go to our newly redesigned website and find out!
Or see our new infographic below!
*Special thanks to Liz Antaramian and Becky Tolejano for work on the infographic, Xou Le Va Vang for the library transformation video, and Heather Spencer for tireless video recording.
Anna M. Stadick
Library Director