Parkside Presente: Episode 10

Published: July 15, 2020
By: Gia Gutierrez/College of Social Sciences and Professional Studies

Parkside Presente: Episode 10


En este episodio, escuchamos la conmovedora historia de Alma Contreras y su familia. Alma y su hijo Nelson Senda nos platican como el Coronavirus causo un impacto en la salud de Alma y como a pesar de esta situación tan difícil pudieron salir adelante.

Musica en este episodio es Highride por Blue Dot Sessions.


In this episode we listen to the touching story of Alma Contreras and her family. Alma and her son Nelson Senda share with us how the Coronavirus has caused an impact in Alma’s health and how despite this difficult situation they managed to move forward.

Music in this episode is Highride by Blue Dot Sessions.

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