Parkside Presente: Episode 13
Published: August 5, 2020
By: Gia Gutierrez/College of Social Sciences and Professional Studies
Parkside Presente: Episode 13 (edit)
Entrevistamos a Gabriela Anaya, miembro de nuestra comunidad y maestra en el distrito educativo de Racine WI quien comparte con nosotros su experiencia como educadora y madre durante tiempos de pandemia. De igual manera ella nos aconseja sobre como apoyar a estudiantes en este regreso virtual a clases en el otoño.
We interview Gabriela Anaya, a member of our community and educator in the Racine Unified School District of Wisconsin. She shares with us her experience as an educator and mother during times of pandemic, and advises us on how to support students during this virtual return to school in the fall.