UW-Parkside Appoints Willie Jude II as New Vice Chancellor for Advancement
SOMERS, Wis. – UW-Parkside recently announced the hiring of Willie Jude II as the new Vice Chancellor for Advancement.
“I am pleased to announce that Mr. Jude has accepted our offer to join our learning community, and he is thrilled to be returning to Wisconsin as a Ranger,” said UW-Parkside Chancellor Debbie Ford. “Everyone who had a chance to meet Willie during the interview process commented on his high energy, his passion for student success, and his comprehensive background in Advancement, Athletics, Student Affairs, and Enrollment Services.”
Jude comes to UW-Parkside following the recent retirement of Tom Krimmel ’72, who returned to UW-Parkside to serve as associate chancellor for advancement in 2019. Krimmel’s career included more than 25 years in senior leadership positions and higher-education fundraising and alumni relations across the country, including his first stint at UW-Parkside in 1979. At that time, he led the university’s first Development and Alumni Relations team, helped establish the UW-Parkside Alumni Association and the UW-Parkside Foundation, and was instrumental in helping to establish the university’s first campus housing, University Apartments.
Jude will begin on May 1, 2021 and will serve as a member of the chancellor’s cabinet while also leading the Development & Alumni Relations and University Communications teams.
“I am humbled and excited to join the University of Wisconsin-Parkside family as the Vice Chancellor for Advancement,” said Jude. “I would like to thank Chancellor Deborah Ford for trusting me to lead future philanthropic efforts.
“The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is a special place. The mission and vision of the university are aligned with my values. There is a commitment to transformational student experiences, diversity, equity, inclusion, community engagement, and academic excellence.”
Jude brings a dynamic background in university leadership to UW-Parkside. Most recently, he served as vice president for student affairs and associate vice president for institutional advancement at Fisk University. In previous roles as executive director of philanthropy at Lincoln University and as associate athletics director for advancement at North Carolina Central University, Jude led staff, volunteer foundations, and the campus community in raising funds and creating partnerships to advance student success. He is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, and he holds a bachelor of science from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and a master of education from Washington State University.
“My family and I look forward to joining the UW-Parkside family and becoming active in the community,” said Jude. “As a native of Milwaukee and a graduate of a UW System institution, it is a dream to return home to fulfill my passion for changing lives through education. Nelson Mandela stated, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.’ Together, we will amplify our university's unique story while continuing to transform the lives of deserving scholars, our future graduates. UW-Parkside is opportunity-rich, and I am confident that our momentum will promote a culture of philanthropy. Let’s go, Rangers!”
Media Contact:
Andrew Savagian
Communications Director
University of Wisconsin-Parkside