Signature/Contracting Authority
Through Board of Regents Policy 13-1,the Board of Regents recognizes that the efficient operation of the UW System depends on the UW System’s and UW institutions’ ability to conduct business transactions in an efficient manner. Therefore, the Board of Regents need not directly approve all contracts, but rather, delegates contracting authority for most contracts, including grants, memorandums of understanding, certifications, releases, purchase orders, leases of personal property (not real property), and royalty agreements to designated university officials. The Board of Regents authorizes the President of the University of Wisconsin System to delegate to the chancellors of UW System institutions the authority to sign contracts related to programs or operations of their institutions. Chancellors may further delegate contract signature authority to other UW System institution employees deemed to have the requisite knowledge, judgment, and operational need to exercise such authority. The Chancellor's delegations must be made in writing. (Regent Policy Document 13-1)
Regent Policy 13-1 requires that “individuals authorized to sign contracts under this policy are expected to have the necessary information and expertise to fully understand the implications of making such commitments. In addition, persons with this authority are expected to perform appropriate due diligence activities to ensure that any attendant liabilities are identified and can be effectively managed.” Employees signing contracts or agreements without the proper signature authority may not be able to contractually obligate the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. Unauthorized employees who sign contracts or agreements can be held personally responsible for any costs or damages, because they are acting outside of the scope of their employment. A contract may not be enforceable against either party until authorized signatures by both parties are applied.
Most of the University’s procurements are governed by Chapter 16, Wis. Stats., and the procurement authority for those purchases flows from the Department of Administration through UW System to the campus Purchasing Agent. A small segment of the University’s procurement activity is governed by Board of Regents’ procurement authority found in s. 36.11, Wis. Stats. It is for purchasing goods and services unique to the university’s academic and student life, not normally purchased by other state agencies nor found in other state contracts and supporting the educational and research mission of the university.
Regent Policy 13-1 authorizes that signature authority for purchases and contracts issued by the University for both Chapter 16 and Chapter 36 procurements be delegated by the Chancellor to named individuals and may not be subdelegated. UW System policies (Series 500) provide that all Chapter 36 procurement contracts must follow an authorized procurement process and must be signed by individual(s) “who have knowledge, training, and expertise in developing, negotiating, and awarding procurement contracts”.
Below is the list of all UW-Parkside employees by name who have the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the Board of Regents. Each individual only has the authority described.
For more details click here Regent Policy Document 13-1
Personnel at UW-Parkside with Signature Authority
Lynn Akey
All contracts
Matt Cecil
Interim Provost-Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
Miscellaneous agreements relating to Academic and Student Affairs activities; not including procurements
Philip Hirsh
Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration
All contracts
Appointing Authority
Effective June 9, 2024, below are the names of current appointing personnel at UW-Parkside:
- Lynn Akey, Chancellor
- Matt Cecil, Interim Provost-Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
- Philip Hirsh, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration