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Master of Science in Computer and Information Systems

Molinaro 248 • 262-595-2314

Business, Economics, and Computing

Degree offered:
Master of Science

Goals of the Master of Science in Computer and Information Systems Program

The master of science in computer and information systems (MSCIS) program is intended to increase the supply of high quality information technology professionals and to contribute to the professional advancement of employees in the information technology workforce. The degree program draws on the strengths of UW-Parkside’s faculty and computing resources in both computer science (CS) and management information systems (MIS). Graduates of this program will have up-to-date information technology knowledge and skills, and practical experience with information systems development and deployment.

All MSCIS graduates will be able to:

  • Participate in the justification, specification, design, development, and implementation of modern enterprise systems for an organization.
  • Work with computing technology through:
    • Design, develop, test, and implement software using industry leading practices and/or
    • Develop information technology technical solutions
  • Lead and manage IT projects using project management principles.
  • Design and implement organizational and IT control mechanisms that lead to a reliable and secure information system.
  • Use research methods to investigate a problem from a technical, management and ethical perspective.
  • Communicate Information Systems principles and practices effectively and professionally within an enterprise.

Admission Requirements and Application Procedure

To qualify for admission into the MSCIS program, an applicant must apply to the MSCIS Program online as indicated below, and submit all required documents to the Admissions Office.

Admissions Office
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
900 Wood Road
P.O. Box 2000
Kenosha WI 53141-2000

Admission requirements include those listed below.

  1. A completed application form, along with the application fee payment. The application form can be found online at: https://apply.wisconsin.edu/
  2. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate course work, sent directly to the Admissions Office. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with an undergraduate GPA (UGPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required.
  3. GRE or GMAT scores sent directly to the Computer Science department office. The GMAT score + 200 times the UGPA must exceed 1000, or the sum of the GRE quantitative and verbal scores must exceed 300 and the analytical writing score must be 4 or higher. The GRE or GMAT can be waived for students with UGPA above 3.2, with excellent recommendations. 
  4. A resume that details the applicant’s education and work history.
  5. Two letters of recommendation sent directly to the Admissions Office
  6. International students must also submit a sponsorship form and a transcript evaluation. International students whose native language is not English must submit evidence of English proficiency, normally by presenting a satisfactory score on the TOEFL or IELTS exam.
  7. Additional materials in support of the applicant, as appropriate.

Contact the computer science department office for information about application deadlines.

At the discretion of the MSCIS program faculty, students with minor deficiencies in items 2 and 3 may be conditionally accepted into the program if they can otherwise demonstrate significant potential for success.


Requirements for the Master of Science in Computer and Information Systems (30 credits)

To achieve the above goals, MSCIS students must complete prerequisite requirements (up to 20 credits that can be waived with undergraduate equivalent courses) and a minimum of 30 credits distributed as follows: 15 credits of required course work, 3 additional credits in software development, 9 credit hours in a knowledge area and an elective.

Knowledge areas include software development, information technology management, cyber-security, and data science. A thesis option is available for those students who would like to eventually pursue a doctoral degree. The requirements and the classes in each knowledge area are specified below.

  1. Prerequisites (0-20 credits, depending on background)
    1. Probability statistics (waived with a grade of C or better in an undergraduate or graduate equivalent course)
      Choose one course:
      CSCI 309 Probability and Statistics 3 cr
      QM 210 Business Statistics I 3 cr
    2. Database management (waived with a grade of C or better in an undergraduate or graduate equivalent course)
      Choose one course:
      CSCI 380 Database Management Systems 3 cr
      MIS 328 Database Management Systems 3 cr
    3. Computer systems/data communications (waived with a grade of C or better in an undergraduate or graduate equivalent course)
      Choose one course:
      CSCI 370 Operating Systems 3 cr
      CSCI 477 Computer Communications and Networks 3 cr
      MIS 327 Business Data Communications 3 cr
    4. Accounting (waived with a grade of C or better in an undergraduate or graduate equivalent course)
      ACCT 201 Financial Accounting 3 cr
    5. Programming Proficiency Requirements
      For most knowledge areas, programming proficiency is a required prerequisite. Programming proficiency depends upon results of a placement exam. Two knowledge areas, IT management and cyber-security, can alternatively be entered via an IT administration course sequence. A programming proficiency exam is available to determine placement into required prerequisites or to waive the requirement.

      The normal path to ensure programming proficiency includes the following courses:
      CSCI 241 Computer Science I 5 cr
      CSCI 242 Computer Science II 4 cr
      An alternative path for students in the IT Management or Cyber-Security knowledge areas includes the following courses:
      CSCI 241 Computer Science I 5 cr
      CSCI 274 UNIX Concepts and Tools 1 cr
      CSCI 275 UNIX Scripting 1 cr
      CSCI 435 UNIX System Administration 3 cr
  2. Required Program Core Courses (15 credits)
    MBA 716 Project Management 2 cr
    CIS 721 Enterprise Systems 3 cr
    CIS 774 Programming Paradigms 3 cr
    CIS 779 Information Systems Security 3 cr
    CIS 795 Research Methods in CIS 3 cr
    CIS 798 CIS Seminar 1 cr
  3. Knowledge Area Courses (15 credits)
    MSCIS courses are divided into four knowledge areas: software development, information technology management, cyber-security, and data science.
    1. Students must select a knowledge area and complete a minimum of nine credits within that area. A maximum of three credits of independent study related to a project or thesis may be used to satisfy this requirement (9 credits).
    2. Students must also complete six credits of electives to ensure 30 credits overall are completed for the degree. These credits may be chosen from any of the knowledge areas (6 credits).

      A maximum of two 500-level courses and/or a maximum of three credits in independent study courses will be accepted for the graduate degree. Additionally, independent study courses will only be approved in extenuating circumstances in which other regular needed CIS graduate courses are not available in that particular academic term, and waiting for their offering would impact expected student graduation date. The classes must be approved by the MSCIS advisor.

      A course cannot be used to satisfy the requirements in more than one category.

      Knowledge Areas:

      1. Software Development
        CIS 523 Mobile Development in Android 3 cr
        CIS 524 Mobile Development in iOS 3 cr
        CIS 533 Programming Languages 3 cr
        CIS 540 Data Structures and Algorithm Design 3 cr
        CIS 570 Operating Systems 3 cr
        CIS 605 Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
        CIS 620 Computer Graphics 3 cr
        CIS 621 Computer Vision 3 cr
        CIS 626 Web Programming 3 cr
        CIS 640 Compiler Design and Implementation 3 cr
        CIS 674 Client/Server Development 3 cr
        CIS 675 Software Engineering – Design 3 cr
        CIS 676 Software Engineering – Project Management 3 cr
        CIS 677 Computer Communication and Networks 3 cr
        CIS 680 Advanced Databases 3 cr
      2. Information Technology Management
        CIS 624 Advanced Business Data Communications 3 cr
        CIS 625 System Analysis and Design 3 cr
        CIS 641 Advanced Project Management Tools and Techniques 3 cr
        CIS 642  Project Management Simulation 3 cr
        CIS 645 Web Security 3 cr
        CIS 676 Software Engineering – Project Management 3 cr
        CIS 678 Network Security 3 cr
        CIS 723 Management of Electronic Commerce 2 cr
        CIS 727 Business Process Redesign and Improvement 2 cr
        MBA 715 Advanced Operations Management 2 cr
      3. Cyber-Security
        CIS 624  Advanced Business Data Communications 3 cr
        CIS 677 Computer Communications and Networks 3 cr
        CIS 645 Web Security 3 cr
        CIS 678 Network Security 3 cr
        CIS 679 Security Risk 3 cr
        CIS 690 Special Topics in CIS (related to cyber-security) 3 cr
        CIS 790 Advanced Topics in CIS (related to cyber-security) 3 cr
      4. Data Science
        CIS 605 Artificial Intelligence 3 cr
        CIS 610 Introduction to Data Science 3 cr
        CIS 611 Programming for Data Science 3 cr
        CIS 612 Data Mining & Machine Learning 3 cr
        CIS 613 Big Data Analytics 3 cr
        CIS 690 Special Topics in CIS (related to Data Science) 3 cr
        CIS 790 Advanced Topics in CIS (related to Data Science) 3 cr
        MBA 761 Optimization Techniques 3 cr

Grade Point Average Requirement

Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all course work required for the MSCIS degree to continue and complete in the degree program.

Disruption of Studies

Students are expected to complete MSCIS degree requirements in two to three years, depending on preparation.   An MSCIS degree candidate who fails to complete the degree within five years after admission will be dropped from the program.  A degree candidate who does not enroll in an MSCIS course within a period of 12 months must apply for readmission.

Transfer Students

Students may transfer up to 12 credits of graduate work taken at another accredited institution, subject to equivalence with MSCIS courses. Only courses with a grade of B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better will be accepted. Transfer courses are not counted toward the UW-Parkside GPA requirement of 3.0 in MSCIS course work.

Courses in Computer and Information Systems (CIS)

The 700-level courses are pure graduate courses and are not cross-listed with any undergraduate courses.  The 500- and 600-level courses are cross-listed with upper-level undergraduate 300- and 400-level courses, respectively.


Mobile Development in Android
Prereq: C or better in CSCI 242, or consent of instructor. Freq: Fall.
Examines existing tools, environments and programming languages for developing applications for mobile devices on the Android platform. Explores current research on mobile applications and future trends. Cross-listed with CSCI 323.

3 cr

Mobile Development in iOS
Prereq: C or better in CSCI 323 or CIS 523; or consent of instructor. Freq: Spring.
Examines existing tools, environments and programming languages for developing applications for mobile devices on the iOS platform. Explores current research on mobile applications and future trends. Cross-listed with CSCI 324

3 cr

Programming Languages
Prereq: CSCI 242 and consent of instructor. Freq: Spring.
Introduction to the syntax and semantic issues in programming languages and their effect on language implementation. This includes methods to specify languages, data storage, and the sequence of control in programs. Non-procedural languages, including functional and logic languages, will be examined. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 333.

3 cr

Data Structures and Algorithm Design
Prereq: CSCI 242 with B or better, or consent of instructor. Freq: Spring.
Study of the design, implementation and analysis of computer algorithms; time and space requirements for sorting, searching, graph theory, mathematics and string processing algorithms. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 340.

3 cr

Operating Systems
Prereq: CSCI 242 with B or better. Freq: Fall.
Operating system concepts, process definition and implementation, deadlock, memory management and protection, distributed system architecture, and case studies. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 370.

3 cr

Artificial Intelligence
Prereq: CSCI 333 or CIS 533 or consent of instructor. Freq: Occasionally.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques that include search, game playing, and knowledge representation. Specific sub-disciplines of AI including natural language processing and neural networks. Programming assignments in both Prolog and LISP.  Not open to those with credit in CSCI 405.

3 cr

Introduction to Data Science
Prereq: CIS 774 or CSCI 242; and CSCI 309 or QM 310; or consent of instructor. Freq: Fall.
Introduces extraction of knowledge from data. Covers basics of statistical inference and the identification of probability distributions commonly used as foundations for statistical modeling. Provides an overview of commonly used data science software tools. Not open to students with credit in CSCI 410.

3 cr

Programming for Data Science
Prereq: CSCI410/CIS 610 or consent of instructor. Freq: Spring.
Surveys common programming languages for data science. Explores the development of applications for data-centric software used to extract actionable knowledge and insights from heterogeneous data sources that answer specific scientific, socio-political, or business questions.  Not open to students with credit in CSCI 411.

3 cr

Data Mining and Machine Learning
Prereq: CSCI 410/CIS 610 or consent of instructor. Freq: Occasionally.
Explores data mining methods and procedures for diagnostic and predictive analytics. Includes association rules, clustering algorithms, tools for classification, and ensemble methods. Emphasizes computer implementation and applications. Not open to students with credit in CSCI 412.

3 cr

Big Data Analytics
Prereq: CSCI 410/CIS 610 or consent of instructor. Freq: Occasionally.
Introduces the efficient processing of large data sets, including nonrelational databases and algorithms that allow for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters.  Not open to students with credit in CSCI 413.

3 cr

Computer Graphics
Prereq: CSCI 340 or CIS 540 or consent of instructor. Freq: Occasionally.
Graphics hardware and software, techniques for representation and visualization, two- and three-dimensional transformations, concepts and techniques of visual realism.  Not open to those with credit in CSCI 420.

3 cr

Computer Vision
Prereq: CSCI 340 or 333; or CIS 540 or 533. Freq: Occasionally.
Review of algebra of matrices and partial differentiation. Introduction to Machine Vision and Image Processing including image formation, thresholding, image filtering, edge detection, image segmentation, image data compression, image similarity and some dynamic vision. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 421.

3 cr

Advanced Business Data Communications
Prereq:  MIS 327 or CSCI 477.  Freq: Fall.
Fundamentals of transmission protocols and network services. Setting up and configuring network protocols, routing, security, and networking services such as name resolution and dynamic addressing. Lab exercises and case studies. Not open to those with credit in MIS 424. This course may be offered online.

3 cr

System Analysis and Design
Prereq: MIS 328 or CSCI 380.  Freq: Spring.
System development using the life cycle, rapid application development, prototyping, software acquisition, structured and object-oriented techniques and project management. Not open to those with credit in MIS 425.  This course may be offered online.

3 cr

Internet Programming
Prereq: MIS 320, 322; or programming proficiency and database management prerequisites of the MSCIS program. Freq: Occasionally.
Explores web-based application development using Active Server Pages and web services, database connectivity, graphical user interfaces, event-driven software, and the development of server-side programs. Not open to students with credit in MIS 422.

3 cr

Compiler Design and Implementation
Prereq: CSCI 333 or CIS 533. Freq: Occasionally.
Theory, design and implementation of compilers and other syntax-directed systems. Applies techniques of finite state machines, lexical analysis, symbol tables, parsing, storage allocation and code generation to the development of a compiler. Laboratory work included. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 440.

3 cr

Advanced Project Management Tools and Techniques
Prereq: PMGT 341 or MBA 716 or CIS 676. Freq: Yearly.
Covers advanced tools and technologies of project management, including Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), budgeting a project, scheduling a project using PERT/CPM, allocating scare resources, critical chain and critical path, resource leveling, monitoring the project costs, evaluating and terminating a project. Not open to those with credit in PMGT 441.

3 cr

Project Management Simulation
Prereq: PMGT 341 or MBA 716 or CIS 676. Freq: Yearly.
Topics include project scheduling, risk analysis, earned value and teamwork. Students apply project management skills to a simulated or live project, develop project justification and project plan, and execute the project plan and track performance. Not open to those with credit in PMGT 442.

3 cr

Web Security
Prereq:  MIS 327 and MIS 328 or CSCI 242. Freq: Occasionally.
Vulnerabilities of web languages, interfaces, servers and databases. Identifying and avoiding vulnerabilities with shopping carts, HTTP/ HTTPS and the URL.   Detecting and preventing hacking techniques such as cyber graffiti, e-shoplifting, impersonation, buffer overflows and cross-site scripting.  Not open to those with credit in CSCI 445.

3 cr

Client/Server Development
Prereq: C or better in CSCI 324 or CIS 524. Freq: Fall.
Explores server-side application programming concepts. Includes server architectures, communication protocols, relational databases and database connectivity, dynamic content delivery and communication security. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 424

3 cr

Software Engineering-Design
Prereq: CSCI 242 with B or better, or consent of instructor. Freq: Fall.
An introduction to UML design and teamwork in the development of a larger software system. The use of UML use case, activity, class/object, interaction, and state diagrams in the creation of efficient designs and systems.  Not open to those with credit in CSCI 475.

3 cr

Software Engineering-Project Management
Prereq: CIS 625 or 675.  Freq: Spring.
Software development from an engineering perspective including software development models, team organization and management, implementation strategies, software testing and verification, and project cost estimation. Students will demonstrate their mastery of software engineering design and development strategies through implementation of a significant team-based project. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 476.

3 cr

Computer Communications and Networks
Prereq: B or better in CSCI 242 or CIS 570, or consent of instructor. Freq: Occasionally.
Transmission protocols, layered network protocols, network topology, message routing, performance analysis, security, and case studies. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 477.

3 cr

Network Security
Prereq: MIS 327 or CSCI 370 or 435. Freq: Occasionally.
Computer and network security related to operating systems, networks and system administration issues; hacking, incident response, firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection, and auditing. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 478.

3 cr

Security Risk
Prereq: CIS 779 or CIS 678. Freq: Occasionally.
Focuses on risk analysis, including qualitative, quantitative, and ethical risk.  This seminar investigates an industry or topic of choice, involving delving into sources of risk information, researching regulation and statistics, and developing a comprehensive analysis of risk related to the selected topic.

3 cr

Advanced Databases
Prereq: MIS 328 or CSCI 380.  Freq: Occasionally.
Review of relational database languages such as SQL and Relational Algebra, and query optimization techniques. Non-relational database models including object-oriented databases, XML databases, and deductive databases. Data mining, transaction management, concurrency control, text retrieval, and Web data management. Not open to those with credit in CSCI 480.

3 cr

Security Risk
Prereq: CIS 678 or 779. Freq: Occasionally.
Focuses on risk analysis, including qualitative, quantitative, and ethical risk.  Investigates an industry or topic of choice, involving delving into sources of risk information, researching regulation and statistics, and developing a comprehensive analysis of risk related to the selected topic.

3 cr

Special Topics in Computer and Information Systems
Prereq: Consent of instructor.  Freq: Occasionally.
In-depth study of new and/or special-interest subject areas within the discipline. 

3 cr

Enterprise Systems
Prereq: ACCT 201, and MIS 328 or CSCI 380. Freq: Fall.
Explores common enterprise systems that are used across organizations including enterprise resource planning systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management. Includes technical architecture of integrated systems and relationships to the organization’s business processes.

3 cr

Management of Electronic Commerce
Prereq: Consent of instructor. Freq: Occasionally.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) technology, developing an e-commerce architecture, business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce, e-commerce planning, and social implications.

2 cr

Programming Paradigms
Prereq: CSCI 241. Freq: Fall.
Explores a variety of computer programming paradigms such as functional, logic, declarative, procedural, concurrent, multi-paradigm and block-based coding. Requires developing computer programs in at least four paradigms.

3 cr

Information Systems Security
Prereq: CSCI 380 or MIS 328. Freq: Spring.
Introduction to information systems security; considers technical, administrative, and physical aspects of IT security; topics include fraud, risk, information protection, business continuity, network security, auditing, and security planning and governance.

3 cr

Advanced Topics in CIS
Prereq: Consent of instructor.  Freq: Spring.
In-depth study of new and/or special-interest subject areas within the discipline.  Subject selection will vary from offering to offering.

3 cr

Internship in Computer Information Systems
Prereq: Consent of instructor. Freq: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Participation in the technical activities of an ongoing organization under the joint guidance and supervision of a member of the organization and a member of the faculty. Grading will be on a credit/no-credit basis. A student may register and receive credit in this course for a maximum of 6 credits.

1-2 cr

Research Methods in CIS
Prereq: A minimum of 6 credits in CIS courses. Freq: Yearly.
Explores research methods used in the computer and information systems discipline including quantitative and qualitative methods. Reviews current research in CIS.

3 cr

CIS Project
Prereq: Consent of instructor.  Freq: Occasionally.
Completion of a CIS project in conjunction with another 600- or 700-level CIS course; includes project documentation and oral and written reports.

1 cr

CIS Thesis
Prereq: Consent of instructor. Freq: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Student conducts research under the direction of a faculty member and produces a master’s level thesis in a CIS subject. For students ultimately interested in pursuing doctoral studies.

1-4 cr

CIS Seminar
Prereq: Consent of instructor.  Freq: Spring.
Social, legal and ethical issues in computing, including: privacy, encryption, reliability and risk, free speech, computer crime, intellectual property rights. Personal and professional ethics. An emphasis will be placed on students further developing nontechnical professional skills, including writing and oral presentations.

1 cr

Independent Study
Prereq: Consent of instructor.  Freq: Fall, Spring.
Independent work on a specific problem in CIS under the supervision of faculty.

1-4 cr
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