02/12/2025: Caution: Due to inclement weather all in-person classes from 4 pm onwards 02/12/25 have been canceled. Online classes continue as scheduled. MORE...

UW-System Symposium for Research and Creative Activity

The annual UW-System wide undergraduate conference includes a wide range of presentation topics and formats from all disciplines and majors.  The annual conference moves around the state for host sites. UW-Parkside students involved in student-faculty collaborative scholarly work are encouraged to talk with your faculty mentor about registering and attending this annual meeting.

2022  SYMPOSIUM  |  FRI APR 22 


Faculty and academic staff please share this information with your students who are doing independent scholarly work in all departments and majors and across all forms of scholarly activity. For example: research, creative activities, art, performances, social sciences, internships, community-based learning, etc…   

Also, undergraduate students who completed their research or creative activity last semester (Fall 2021) or even last summer are also eligible to present their work at the UW-Symposium Spring 2022. 

Deadline for Abstract Submission and Registration 
TUE MAR 1, 2022  |  5 PM


Details when Registering:

When registering, the presenting first author (student) will submit the presentation title, abstract, presentation type (poster, talk, gallery, performance, etc…), and names of all co-authors (including faculty mentor), and which of those co-authors (including faculty) will be attending the Symposium.  Thus, the lead/presenting student author will register all students and faculty on the presentation who will be attending.  

When registering you will NOT be asked to pay the registration fee.   Instead, that will be taken care of internally so that the Provost Office will pay the registration fee for attending/presenting students. 

If you opt to present a poster, the printing fees for one poster will be paid for by the Provost Office. 

Travel to/from UW-Whitewater:

Because of the relatively close proximity (UW-Whitewater), attendees will travel to UW-Whitewater that morning, and UW-Parkside will NOT set up overnight lodging at a hotel the night before.  Attendees should plan to travel the 1 hour, 15 min trip to UW-Whitewater the morning of Friday April 22 so as to arrive in time to “check in”, likely between 7:30 – 8:30 AM. 

There will be email communications with registered attendees regarding transportation from UW-Parkside around the middle to end of March.


When registering online you will need the following information, so have these ready with you.

1. Full name, email, academic year (Senior, Junior, etc…), major, and hometown mailing address of “main” student presenters (aka, “First Author”). 

2. If additional student co-authors, have full name, email, academic year (Senior, Junior, etc…), major, and hometown mailing address of each student co-author. 

3. Presentation title as you want it to appear on the conference documents. 

4. Full abstract or description of work, as you want it to appear on conference documents.  Maximum of 250 words. 

5. Subject (select among a provided list: Arts, Design, and Performing Arts; Biological & Life Sciences; Business & Economics; Chemical Sciences; etc…). 

6. Faculty Mentor’s full name and email address. 

7. Select “UW-Parkside” for your “University”. 

8. Agreement to be available during the afternoon (12:00 – 5:30 pm) on day of conference. 

9. Any special needs or accommodations. 

10. Select Presentation Type among list of:  (a) Poster/Slides (PDF+short Video), (b) Oral (video), or (c) Exhibit, Performance, or Demonstrations (Video).   Note, the PDFs of posters, and videos for all types of presentations will be uploaded later, closer to day of event.

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