Navigating Neutrality | Sandra Moats
Join us for a conversation with Dr. Sandra Moats and Greg Berg, host of WGTD's The Morning Show, as they discuss Dr. Moats' new book, Navigating Neutrality.
Student Center Ballroom | Free Event!
Navigating Neutrality explores the unexpected role George Washington’s 1793 Neutrality Proclamation played in energizing the U.S. government’s constitutional responsibilities to support and promote America’s commercial and sovereign interests. Designed to avoid warfare as Great Britain and France battled in the Atlantic during the French Revolutionary Wars, neutrality encompassed a wide range of issues, including diplomacy, law, defense, commerce, and domestic politics.
5 PM | Book Signing*
6 PM | Discussion with author Sandra Moats, and radio host Greg Berg
7 PM | Additional time for meeting the author and book signing
*There will be books available for signing.
The program will be recorded to use on The Morning Show at a future date.
Sandra "Sandy" Moats, Ph.D.
History Professor, Chair, Institute for Professional Educator Development
Sandra Moats' inspiration for this book came from her research while a fellow at Mount Vernon. She discovered dozens of letters Washington exchanged with the French generals who had served in the American Revolution and now led the French Revolution. Seeking to understand the significance of this correspondence led her to American neutrality. These reports from trusted military officers convinced Washington that the young nation should steer clear of European affairs. With war spreading across Europe in 1793, Washington and his cabinet formulated and implemented the landmark policy of American neutrality to protect American interests at home and abroad.

If you would like to purchase Navigating Neutrality before the event, we have added a link below for your convenience..