Madhumita "Mita" Banerjee

  • Associate Professor and Director of the Center for International Studies
  • Sociology Department
  • Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2005
  • PHONE: (262) 595-3418
  • EMAIL:
Madhumita Banerjee


  • Sociology
  • Research Methods
  • Statistics
  • Public Health
  • Education
I am an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin - Parkside. Apart from teaching and research responsibilities, I also direct the Sociology Online Degree Completion Program and the International Studies Program. I teach courses in income, education, and health inequality along with courses in Statistics and Research Methods. I am passionate about social justice issues and advocate for a just world where there is opportunity for all. My research interests lie in the area of educational access and success of students in higher education. Specifically, my research presentations and publications are in the area of online teaching efficacy, online teaching pedagogy, the digital divide, and experiential learning pedagogy. I am particularly interested in investigating barriers that deter underserved and underrepresented students from achieving their higher education potential and the areas of improvement necessary to enhance their educational outcomes.

Teaching Interests

Social Inequality, Deviance, Public Health, Sociology of Education, Statistics, and Research Methods.

Research Interests

Her previous research focused on faculty motivation and deterrents in incorporating service learning in teaching and faculty efficacy in service learning.

Consulting Interests

Equity in Experiential Learning, the Digital Divide amongst underserved and underrepresented students, student success in online learning, The Community of Inquiry framework for e-learning, Smart Cities evaluation and research.

Selected Publications

2023: Citizen Engagement to Transfer Innovation to Regional Development - A survey project to identify citizen needs in small and midsized communities. ,

2022: The Digital Divide and Smartphone Reliance for Disadvantaged Students in Higher Education, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (31-39 pp.)

2022: Data Analytics for Accountable Care Organizations in a Shifting Landscape of Health and Medicine, Springer Publishing

Teaching Awards

2022: Hans O. Mauksch Outstanding Teacher Award, Wisconsin Sociological Association
2022: Stella Gray Early Career Teaching Excellence Award, University of Wisconsin - Parkside

Research/Creative Awards

2023: The award acknowledged advancing scholarly research on underserved and underrepresented students' educational outcomes to eliminate equity gaps in retention and graduation rates for historically underserved student populations. , Outstanding Women of Color in Education Award, UW System

College Service

: Committee Member - Center for International Studies Steering Committee
2023: Other - AHC Federal Grant - Refining the Constitutional Democracy Tapestry: The threads of marginalized groups in the shaping of American History

University Service

2020: University Senate Service - Faculty Senate

UW System Service

2019: Committee Member - UW System Math Initiative
INTS 499 - Independent Study:
SOCA 101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCA 248 - Report Writing for Social Sci
SOCA 250 - Statistics for Social Sciences
SOCA 295 - Social Science Research Mthds
SOCA 331 - Deviant Behavior
SOCA 354 - Class, Status and Power
SOCA 375 - Sociology of Education
SOCA 376 - Public Health
SOCA 492 - Internship in Sociology
SOCA 495 - Senior Seminar:
SOCA 499 - Independent Study:
UWP 294 - Work-Based Learning
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