Aaron Carlstrom, PhD, LP

  • Associate Professor – Psychology
  • Psychology, Professional Counseling, and Neuroscience Department
  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2004
  • EMAIL: carlstro@uwp.edu
Aaron Carlstrom


  • Counseling/Clinical Psychology
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Vocational Psychology
  • Career Counseling
I co-advise the undergraduate certificate in Mental Health Skills, was a co-developer and former Program Director of the M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, and past recipient of the Advising Excellent Award.

The courses I teach are in the areas of counseling and clinical psychology, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, including courses in counseling theories, assessment, career counseling, and abnormal psychology.

My research interests are in vocational psychology and career development, with a focus on the connection between work, career development and mental health, and the evaluation of career development interventions.

Prior to joining UW-Parkside in 2012, I was a psychotherapist with the University Counseling Services, and an Assistant/Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs. I received a B.A. in psychology from Marquette University, and a M.S. in Educational Psychology-Community Counseling and Ph.D. in Urban Education-Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited) from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Teaching Interests

The courses I teach are in the areas of counseling and clinical psychology at both the graduate and undergraduate level, including theories of psychotherapy, abnormal psychology, interviewing, and career counseling

Research Interests

My research interests are in vocational psychology within the broader area of counseling psychology. Vocational psychologists examine the role of work in people's lives and what factors help and hinder people making career choices, and how counseling interventions facilitate positive career development. Facilitating interest and skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers is an important goal for both society and individuals. In two recent projects I examined the effect of a) gender, socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity on science interests; and b) a STEM Summer Camp on math and science interests, self-confidence, and goals of middle school students. Furthermore, I work on projects that examine a) the work value priorities of young adults, and b) the influence of a career decision-making course on both career specific (such as dysfunctional thinking about making career choices) and general psychological (such as curiosity and openness to growth enhancing experiences) factors of college students.

Consulting Interests

Selected Publications

2014: Academic advising assessment practices: Results of a national study, NACADA Journal (64-77 pp.)

2011: Living the good (work) life: Implications of general values for work values, NACADA Journal (33-43 pp.)

2011: Career aspirations of youth: Untangling race/ethnicity, SES, and gender, Journal of Vocational Behavior (98-109 pp.)

2011: From boots to books: Applying Schlossberg’s Model to transitioning American veterans, NACADA Journal (55-63 pp.)

2009: Career Advising and Diversity, Jossey Bass/NACADA (113-145 pp.)

2004: Do Psychosocial and Study Skill Factors Predict College Outcomes? A Meta-Analysis, Psychological Bulletin (261-288 pp.)

Teaching Awards

2016: Advising Excellence Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Professional Service

2019: Editorial Review Board Member - NACADA Journal
CMHC 720 - Assmnt Procedures in Counslng
CMHC 722 - Rsearch/Evaluation in Counslng
CMHC 758 - Counseling for Work and Career
CMHC 798 - Independent Reading/Research
PSYC 275 - Job Search/Work-Life Trans
PSYC 330 - Interviewing
PSYC 360 - Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 362 - Theories of Psychotherapy
PSYC 390 - Special Topics in Psychology:
PSYC 499 - Independent Study:
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