Jennifer Clemens

  • Assistant Professor of Political Science
  • Politics-Philosophy-Law Department
  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2017
  • EMAIL:

Selected Publications

2022: Gender Gaps, Partisan Gaps, and Cross-Pressures: An Examination of American Attitudes toward the Use of Force, Politics & Gender (273-295 pp.)

2019: What to expect when you’re electing: the relationship between far-right strength and citizenship policy in Europe, Comparative European Politics (673-695 pp.)

College Service

: Committee Member - International Studies Steering Committee

University Service

2024: Faculty Advisor - Parkside Access to College Credit (PACC)
INTS 100 - Intro to International Studies
POLS 100 - American Politics
POLS 103 - Intro to Comparative Politics
POLS 200 - Research Methods/Sources
POLS 203 - Women, Power and Politics
POLS 318 - Legislative Politics
POLS 375 - Elections/Politcl Participatn
POLS 403 - Women, Power and Politics
POLS 445 - Senior Seminar-Political Sci
POLS 494 - Internship-Political Science
POLS 499 - Independent Study:
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