02/12/2025: Caution: Due to inclement weather all in-person classes from 4 pm onwards 02/12/25 have been canceled. Online classes continue as scheduled. MORE...

Adeel Faheem, PhD

  • Assistant Professor
  • Economics Department
  • Ph.D., Kansas State University, 2019
  • EMAIL: faheem@uwp.edu


  • Empirical Industrial Organization
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Game Theory
Adeel Faheem holds a Ph.D. in economics from Kansas State University. His research focuses on understanding the issues of anticompetitive behavior of firms in highly concentrated markets using firm-level data. In particular, he studies mergers in the beer industry and the welfare implications of business practices like vertical price restraints.

Teaching Interests

My teaching interests include industrial organization, applied econometrics, game theory, competition policy, and microeconomics

Research Interests

Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics, International Trade, and Development Economics

Consulting Interests

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
ECON 121 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 260 - Industrl Organztn/Publc Policy
ECON 305 - Economics of Sports
ECON 360 - Industrl Organztn/Public Polcy
ECON 375 - Game Theory
ECON 375 - Game Theory in Econ & Bus
ECON 409 - Econometrics
ECON 490 - Special Topics in Economics:
ECON 492 - Research Experience-Economics
ECON 494 - Economics Internship
ECON 499 - Independent Study:
MBA 512 - Fndtns in Statistics/Economic
QM 110 - Appl Quantitative Analysis-Bus
QM 310 - Business Statistics II
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