Maria Franshaw
- Assistant Professor and Chair
- Institute of Professional Educator Development Department
- EDD, Houston Baptist University, 2019
- Mathematics Methods
- Teacher Education
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- Learning Design
- Mathematics
Maria Franshaw is a mathematics teacher educator who devoted three decades to school mathematics education, teaching secondary and middle grades and supporting students’ and teachers’ learning in early childhood and elementary grades. She has led professional development locally, regionally, and nationally, authored K-16 curriculum, and taught undergraduate and graduate mathematics content and pedagogical content courses.
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
She is passionate about equity in education and mathematics learning for all and is patiently dedicated to the living and teaching required in support thereof.
Research Interests
Her dynamic scholarly agenda includes learner-impactful responses to pre-service and in-service teachers’ mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge, programmatic early algebraic reasoning, early childhood home and community mathematics experiences, and parent math education.
Consulting Interests
She remains dedicated to collaborating with community education partners to strengthen and improve mathematics understanding, application, and appreciation, and to empower all community constituents.
Selected Publications
2022: Mathematical Wonders and Reasons Abound in the Seasons , National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
2022: Anti-Racist Teacher Construction Zone: Journeying with Teacher Candidates, Rowman and Littlefield
Selected Awards & Honors
Teaching Awards
2023: Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee, UW-Parkside
2023: Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee, UW-Parkside
2023: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., VIPS, Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
2023: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., VIPS, Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
2022: Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee, UW-Parkside
2022: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., VIPS, Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
2022: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., VIPS, Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
2022: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., VIPS, Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
2021: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., VIPS, Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
2020: Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) award recipient, nominated by a student-athlete for my ongoing support of academic and professional growth over several semesters., Parkside VIPS, Parkside Athletics/ Gateway Mortgage
Key Service Activities
Departmental Service
2023: Faculty Advisor - Teacher Education Department
2023: Faculty Advisor - Licensure Meetings
2022: Faculty Advisor - IPED Department
2022: Faculty Advisor - Licensure Meetings
2021: Faculty Advisor - IPED Department
2021: Faculty Advisor - Licensure Meetings
2020: Faculty Advisor - IPED Department
2020: Committee Member - edTPA Alternative
2020: Committee Member - Content Knowledge Policy
University Service
: Committee Member - Equity Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council
2023: Committee Member - Undergraduate Task Force - Career Development Committee
2023: Faculty Advisor - Mathematics Initiative Change Team
Professional Service
: Board of Directors of a Company - Wisconsin Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
: Other - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
: Committee Member - Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
: Other - Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
UW System Service
2022: Committee Member - UW System Math Initiative Education Subcommittee
Public Service
2022: Other - Talent Hub
2022: Other - Garden of Eatin'
2021: Other - Garden of Eatin'
2020: Other - The Shalom Center
Courses Taught
EDU 215 - Math for Elem/Mddl Teachers II
EDU 304 - Context/Cultr Lrng Environmnts
EDU 312 - Designing Learning Curriculum
EDU 312 - Dsgn Lrnr-Centered Lesson Plan
EDU 399 - Independent Study:
EDU 431 - Teaching Developmntl Math, K-3
EDU 442 - Tchg Devlopmental Math, Gr 3-9
PDEV 595 - Educators Workshop:
EDU 304 - Context/Cultr Lrng Environmnts
EDU 312 - Designing Learning Curriculum
EDU 312 - Dsgn Lrnr-Centered Lesson Plan
EDU 399 - Independent Study:
EDU 431 - Teaching Developmntl Math, K-3
EDU 442 - Tchg Devlopmental Math, Gr 3-9
PDEV 595 - Educators Workshop: