Jennifer "Jenny" Keefe
- Department Chair and Associate Professor - Philosophy
- Politics-Philosophy-Law Department
- Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, 2006
- PHONE: (262) 595-2465

- History of Philosophy
- British Idealism
- Scottish Philosophy
- 19th Century Philosophy
- Metaphysics
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, History of Philosophy, Epistemology and Metaphysics
Research Interests
History of Philosophy (especially 19th Century Scottish Philosophy and British Idealism).
Consulting Interests
Selected Publications
2019: 'The Scottish Idealists: Absolute Idealism and Personal Idealism', Journal of Scottish Philosophy
2019: 'James Frederick Ferrier', Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
2016: 'The British Idealists: Green, Bradley and Caird', in The Nineteenth Century Reader, edited by Benjamin Crowe (Routledge)
2016: 'The Early British Idealists and the Metaphysics of the Self', in The British Idealists and the Concept of the Self, edited by W.J Mander and Stamatoula Panagakou (Palgrave-Macmillan)
2015: 'James Frederick Ferrier: The Return of Idealism and the Rejection of Common Sense', in Scottish Philosophy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by Gordon Graham (Oxford University Press)
2014: 'J.F. Ferrier’s Metaphysics', Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century edited by William Mander, (Oxford University Press)
2011: J.F. Ferrier: Selected Philosophical Writings, Editor, Library of Scottish Philosophy, (Imprint Academic)
2007: 'Ferrier, Common Sense and Consciousness ', Journal of Scottish Philosophy
2007: 'James Ferrier and the Theory of Ignorance' , The Monist
2007: 'The Return to Berkeley' , British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Courses Taught
PHIL 203 - Truth, Knowledge and Belief:
PHIL 204 - Reason and Reality:
PHIL 205 - Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 260 - History of Philosophy: Ancient
PHIL 261 - History of Phil: Early Modern
PHIL 275 - Techniques of Phil Research
PHIL 305 - Philosophical Analysis:
PHIL 315 - Metaphysics:
PHIL 360 - History of Philosophy: Ancient
PHIL 361 - History of Phil: Early Modern
PHIL 494 - Internship in Philosophy
PHIL 499 - Independent Study: