Peter Knight

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Business Department
  • Ph.D., Sprott School of Business-Carleton University, 2008
  • PHONE: (262) 595-2415
  • EMAIL:
  • LinkedIn Profile

Selected Publications

2023: Ready, Set, Fly! Preparedness of Sales Graduates for Entry Roles, Jornal of Marketing Education

2022: The development of self-efficacy and self-leadership within USA accredited sales programs: an exploratory study on sales career preparedness, Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning; Emerald (pp. 26-49. pp.)

2019: Student self-efficacy, employee engagement, and community vitality: A Collaborative data collection model for regional workforce development., Journal of Education and Work -Taylor and Francis (614-632 pp.)

2019: Curriculum and Program Development Initiatives , MMA FALL CONFERENCE (159-162 pp.)

2019: Experiential Sales Exercises that Prepare for Real Life, mma fall educators conference (86-89 pp.)

2018: Enhancing Learning Outcomes in Sales Education Through Variety and Authenticity, Proceedings of the Marketing Management Association Fall Conference, Kansas City Mo. Presented Sept. 19, 2018. (142-145 pp.)

2016: Recruiting New College Graduates; What are Marketing Students Looking For?”, Proceedings of the Marketing Management Association Fall Conference (6 pp.)

2016: Recruiting New College Graduates; What are Students Looking For?”, Wisconsin Business Voice/Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (39-40 pp.)

2016: “Monica's Designer Handbags: Creative Marketing Decision-Making Based on Financial Analysis-A Case Study.” , Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness (11-18. pp.)

2015: Forging New Ground: Sales Education in the Wisconsin Flex Option, Marketing Management Association-Spring 2015 Conference (3 pp.)

2015: Jumpin Joes- MBA Cases Round 2 and Round 3,

2014: Flex Option Cousrses(5) Towards Sales Certficate ,

2014: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Education, Journal of Marketing Education-Special Edition Sales Education-Fall 2014 (156-168 pp.)


2014: Blazing Golf Trails in Wisconsin: Attracting Avid Golfers to the State, Case Studies in Sport Management (1-16 pp.)

2013: "Involving Students in Institutional Marketing: A Community-Engaged Participatory Learning Project to Develop Professional Perspectives and to Improve Self-Efficacy Outcomes", Wisconsin Business Education Journal (9 pp.)

2012: "Student Perceptions of Community Engaged Participatory Learning Projects in Business Classes", European Journal of Business Research (pp. 121-127 pp.)

2012: Involving Students in Institutional Marketing , Wisconsin Business Education Journal (10-18 pp.)

2012: A vision of London in the 21st Century or just ‘Terrifying Monsters’: A semiotic analysis of the official mascots for the London 2012 Olympic Games , Leisure Studies (14 pp.)

Teaching Awards

2021: Coach of Competition Champion -National Shore Sales Competition, Mid-Atlantic Sales and Marketing Institute
2019: Runner Up Award Excellence in Teaching UW MBA Consortium,
2015: The Community-Engaged Learning and Research Award is designed to recognize those who partner with the community for the benefit of student learning, faculty research, and community development, Community Engaged Research and Learning Award, CECE

Research/Creative Awards

2015: Community Engaged Research and Learning Award, CECE
2013: Best Marketing Paper at 2013 MBAA International Conference, 2013 MBAA International McGraw-Hill/Irwin Distinguished Paper Award!, MCGRAW HILL IRWIN

Departmental Service

: Committee Chair - Executive Commitee
2022: Committee Chair - Search Committee Marketing Faculty
2020: Committee Member - MBA Committee
2020: Chairperson - Department of Business
2020: Committee Chair - Sales Certificate Advisory Board
2019: Faculty Advisor - Parkside American Marketing Association
2018: Committee Chair - Marketing and Promotions Team
2016: Committee Member - Strategic Planning Committee

University Service

2015: Chairperson - Institutional Review Board
2014: Committee Member - University Committee
2012: Committee Chair - Library Director Search Committee

Professional Service

: Committee Chair - University Sales Center Alliance-Curriculum Committee

Public Service

: - Peace Learning Circles
ABT 750 - Biotech Marketing/Entrepreneur
BABA 305X - Data Analy Appl in Mrktg/Sales
BALM 100X - Intro Business Administration
BALM 200X - Anlys Slctd Orgs Nav Law & Eth
BAMA 300X - Business Analytics I
BAMA 301X - Business Analytics II
BAMS 300X - Mktg Fndtns Cncpt & Applctn
BAMS 301X - Marketing Plan
BAMS 310X - Sales Concepts and Application
BAMS 311X - Sales & Sls Trtry Mgmt Practic
MATH 105AX - Business Algebra Fundamentals
MBA 750 - Global Marketing Management
MBA 752 - Marketing Management
MBA 758 - Digital Marketing/Social Media
MBA 799 - Independent Study & Research:
MKT 353 - Internet Marketing
MKT 354 - Marketing Research
MKT 355 - Buyer Behavior
MKT 358 - Promotions Management
MKT 450 - Social Media Marketing
MKT 453 - Adv Digital and Social Media
MKT 458 - Personal Selling
MKT 469 - Advanced Personal Selling
MKT 494 - Internship
MKT 499 - Independent Study:
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