Lindsey Larsen

Teaching Interests

Research Interests

In my personal practice my creative activities are diffuse and exist within and between the disciplines of graphic design, studio art, publishing, and performance.

Additionally, I operate as partner and co-founder of WHAT–THAT, a studio focused on critical design, writing, and research collaborations with institutions of art, craft, culture, education, and social practice. Through an ever evolving approach which continually oscillates between collaborative project-based endeavors, independent object-oriented investigations, and more traditional designer/client relationships WHAT—THAT seeks to blur the lines of autonomy and authorship through collective, oftentimes improvisational creative production.

Consulting Interests

Selected Publications

: untitled #1, #2, #3, #4 (bog witch pinhole photograph series), SNAKE HAIR

ART 104 - Introduction to Digital Art
ART 105 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 251 - Beginning Printmaking
ART 351 - Intermediate Printmaking
ART 371 - Digital Photography
ART 372 - Graphic Design I
ART 451 - Advanced Printmaking
ART 471 - Advanced Digital Photography
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