Qinghua Luo

  • Assistant Professor
  • Mathematics And Physics Department
  • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 2012
  • EMAIL: luo@uwp.edu
Qinghua Luo is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at UW-Parkside. Her research interests are in the areas of partial differential equations, optimization, and identification problems. Her doctoral dissertation was on studying the existence and uniqueness of solution of a damped Klein-Gordan equation with diffusion coefficients in certain functional spaces. Besides her love for mathematics, she loves teaching. She is eager to find ways that make mathematical ideas easier to understand and more meaningful to her students.

Qinghua Luo received her Ph.D. in Mathematics and M.Ed in Mathematics Education at the University of Oklahoma, and her B.S. in Mathematics from Zhejiang University in China. Before she joined Parkside in 2019, she taught at the Marian University, which is a liberal arts college located in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She is excited to share her knowledge and experiences in mathematics and math education with her students and colleagues.

Selected Publications

2022: Models and Monte Carlo Simulations of the Mean Sinuosity of Major Meandering Rivers, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (2368-2380 pp.)

2021: Damped Klein-Gordon Equation with Variable Diffusion Coefficient, Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis (3959-3974 pp.)

Departmental Service

2023: - Math Student Success Team Lead
2020: Committee Member - Physics faculty search committee

University Service

2020: Committee Member - IPED Math Assistant Professor Search
2019: Conference-Related - DPI Retreat

Public Service

2019: Attendee, Meeting - Talent Hub Math Symposium
CSCI 231 - Discrete Mathematics
MATH 104 - Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 111 - College Algebra I
MATH 114 - College Algebra II/Trigonmetry
MATH 223 - Calculus/Analytic Geometry III
MATH 231 - Discrete Mathematics
MATH 317 - Differential Equations/Applic
MATH 401 - Applied Mathematics
MATH 499 - Independent Study:
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