Penny Lyter, Ph.D., CWWS, CWWPM
- Professor Emeritus - HKSM Emeritus
- Health, Kinesiology, & Sport Mgt Department
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997

- Community Engagement
- Women's Health
- Body Image and Eating Disorders
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Emphasis: Health Education/Women’s Health
Master of Science,
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS
Emphasis: Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology
Bachelor of Science in Education
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS
Academic Director, Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management
Faculty Director, Community-Based Learning and Research
Professor, Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management (HESM)
Associate Dean, College of Natural and Health Sciences, 2013 – 2016
Chair/Associate Professor, Department of HESM 1999 to 2012
Assistant Professor, 1991 to 1998
University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, WI
•Chair of the Department of Health, Exercise Science and Sport Management (formerly Department of Health, Physical Education and Athletics).
•Helped create and implement three new majors: Sport Management Major, Fitness Management Major, and Applied Health Sciences Major. Combined number of majors is now more than 500 students.
•Grew the department from one faculty member to six faculty members
•Assisted in overseeing the opening of the new Sport and Activity Center including planning the Wellness Center
•Created the new Exercise Science Laboratory
•Developed and Directed the Lifetime Wellness curriculum including the Wellness Center (fitness center serving students, staff and community members, 1991-2002).
•Advised students in Sport Management, Fitness Management and Applied Health Sciences.
•Established articulation agreement with College of St.Scholastica. (Athletic Training)
•Assisted in the development of an articulation agreement with Gateway Technical College (Physical Therapy)
•Created Entitlement to Plan Master’s degree in Sport Management
•Assisted in the planning of the new Ranger Strength and Conditioning facility and restructuring of the Wellness Center
•Served as the Assessment Liaison for the HESM and AHS
•Implemented Community Based Learning component to STEM courses: Sport and Fitness Nutrition and Introduction to Applied Health Sciences
•Assisted in updating the technology in the SAC classrooms
•Helped create scholarships for Sport and Fitness Management students
•Commencement Address, May 1997
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Emphasis: Health Education/Women’s Health
Master of Science,
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS
Emphasis: Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology
Bachelor of Science in Education
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS
Academic Director, Master of Science in Health and Wellness Management
Faculty Director, Community-Based Learning and Research
Professor, Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management (HESM)
Associate Dean, College of Natural and Health Sciences, 2013 – 2016
Chair/Associate Professor, Department of HESM 1999 to 2012
Assistant Professor, 1991 to 1998
University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, WI
•Chair of the Department of Health, Exercise Science and Sport Management (formerly Department of Health, Physical Education and Athletics).
•Helped create and implement three new majors: Sport Management Major, Fitness Management Major, and Applied Health Sciences Major. Combined number of majors is now more than 500 students.
•Grew the department from one faculty member to six faculty members
•Assisted in overseeing the opening of the new Sport and Activity Center including planning the Wellness Center
•Created the new Exercise Science Laboratory
•Developed and Directed the Lifetime Wellness curriculum including the Wellness Center (fitness center serving students, staff and community members, 1991-2002).
•Advised students in Sport Management, Fitness Management and Applied Health Sciences.
•Established articulation agreement with College of St.Scholastica. (Athletic Training)
•Assisted in the development of an articulation agreement with Gateway Technical College (Physical Therapy)
•Created Entitlement to Plan Master’s degree in Sport Management
•Assisted in the planning of the new Ranger Strength and Conditioning facility and restructuring of the Wellness Center
•Served as the Assessment Liaison for the HESM and AHS
•Implemented Community Based Learning component to STEM courses: Sport and Fitness Nutrition and Introduction to Applied Health Sciences
•Assisted in updating the technology in the SAC classrooms
•Helped create scholarships for Sport and Fitness Management students
•Commencement Address, May 1997
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
Courses taught: Fitness Program Management, Lifetime Wellness, Wellness Lab, Lifetime Wellness Internship, Women’s Health Issues, Fieldwork in Fitness Management, Fieldwork in Sport Management, Organization and Administration of Health and Physical Education, Intro to Sport and Fitness Management, Intro to Applied Health Sciences, Introduction to Community-Based Learning, Community-Based Learning Capstone, Methods and Materials of Health and Physical Education (PK-3 and 1-9), Other teaching activities: Science Alive Program for junior/senior high school students, Junior Doctors of Color Program for middle school minority students, taught in the Experimental Elementary Teaching Certification Program for minority students, and guest speaker for multiple sections of University Seminar.
Research Interests
Womens' Health Issues, specifically addressing body image and health behavior change
Weight management and obesity issues
Health Education and physical activity in the schools
Implementing Wellness Programs
Embedding community-based learning
Consulting Interests
Womens' Health Issues, specifically addressing body image and health behavior change
Weight management and obesity issues
Health Education in the schools
Nutrition Education
Implementing Wellness Programs
Community-based learning/Service learning
Selected Publications
2019: Health and Well-Being, In Status of Women in Kenosha and Racine
: Squat Variations: Options for Strength and Conditioning,
2018: Reliability of fitness trackers of different ranges of price measuring steps and heart rate. , Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine, (57-64 pp.)
2017: Deadlift Variations: Options for Strength and Conditioning, E-Journal of the Mississippi Alliance for Health, Physcial Edcuation, Recreaton, and Dance (3-13 pp.)
Selected Awards & Honors
Teaching Awards
2021: UW-System Regents Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, UW-System
2020: UWP Distinguished Service Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2019: The award recognizes outstanding faculty and staff who have made significant contributions to civic engagement while building successful campus-community partnerships to both support student learning and the civic mission of the institution, Sister Joel Read Civic Engagement Practitioners Award, WI Campus Compact
2017: Acknowledged as the 2017 UW-Parkside Outstanding Community-Based Learning Project for my HESM 321 Women's Health Issues project working with the Women's Resource Center., UW-Parkside Oustanding Community-Based Learning Project, UW-Parkside Community Engagement and Continuing Education
2001: Health Achievement Award, Wisconsin Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
1997: Stella C. Gray Teaching Excellence Award, UW-Parkside
Service Awards
2020: UW-Parkside Faculty Distinguished Service Award, University, UWP
2019: For dedication to the Women's Resource Center, Domestic violence shelter, Sister Jean Verber Award, Community, Women's Resource Center, Racine WI
Key Service Activities
Departmental Service
: Committee Member - HKSM Executive Committee
: Committee Member - HKSM Exercise Science Curriculum Committee
2013: Other - Bear Paws for a Cause Fundraiser
2012: Other - S&FM Graduate celebration
2012: Committee Chair - Exercise Science Faculty Search Committee
2010: Other - Parkside Ranger Ready
2010: Other - Ranger Ready
College Service
: Committee Member - CNHS Scholarship Committee
2016: Program Organizer - Girls Empowered in Math and Science Conference
2016: Program Coordinator - Kenosha Area Science, Math and Engineering Fair
2016: - Presenter for GEMS conference
2016: Program Coordinator - Dr. Essylsten campus and community presentation
2016: Other - Direct the Root River Educational Community Center (REC)
2015: Program Organizer - Girls Empowered in Math and Science Conference
2015: Program Coordinator - Kenosha Area Science, Math and Engineering Fair
2015: Committee Member - CNHS Advisory Board
2015: Committee Member - Dean's Administrative Committee
2015: - Director of CNHS Graduate Programs
2015: Other - Point Person for the Center for Environmental Education, Demonstrations, and Applied Research (CEDAR)
2015: Committee Member - UW Colleges Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)
2015: Program Organizer - Environmental Explorers - Pre-College program
2014: Program Organizer - Exploring Environmental Sciences - Pre-College program
2014: Task Force Member - Flex Option Task Force
2013: Program Organizer - CNHS Strategic Planning Retreat
2013: Committee Member - Member of the Applied Health Science Steering Committee
2013: Other - CNHS Open House
2012: Committee Member - Deans Monthly Meeting
2008: Other - Mentor for new faculty member in Art Department
University Service
2021: Committee Member - OPID Advisory Council Member
2017: Guest Speaker - Latinos Unidos
2017: Guest Speaker - Ranger Wellness Program
2016: Committee Member - Assistant Director of Admissions Search and Screen Committee
2016: Committee Member - Freshman Pilot Program (Freshman Seminar)
2016: Committee Member - Adult Learner Project
2016: Committee Member - Chancellor's Leadership
2015: Committee Member - Provost - Deans Group Meeting
2015: Task Force Member - Transforming Teaching and Learning Visioning Workshop
2015: Guest Speaker - 16th Annual End-of-the-Year Mini Conference
2014: Task Force Member - Provost's Retention Task Force
2014: Committee Member - Southeast Wisconsin Connected Community –STEM (Cisco Connected Communities)
2013: Committee Member - Personel Review Committee
2011: Committee Member - Coordinating Council for 21st Century Preparation program
2011: Committee Member - Search and Screen Graduation Services Coordinator
2011: Guest Speaker - Start to Finish: Student Learning in General Education Brown Bag Presentation
UW System Service
2016: Committee Member - UW-System Strategic Planning Health Expert
Public Service
: Officer, Other Officer - Women's Resource Center
: Board Member - Tous Au Sport
2018: Guest Speaker - RU Rise Up Racine Student Success Conference
2017: Guest Speaker - Racine Girl Scouts
2016: Committee Member - RUSD Key Parent Communicator
2016: Guest Speaker - Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary School
2016: Guest Speaker - Presenter - Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary School
2016: Other - Trinity United Methodist
2015: Attendee, Meeting - Greening Greater Racine
2013: Committee Member - Career Discovery Program for 8th Grade Students
2013: Other - Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Racine and Kenosha
2013: Program Coordinator - REC - Make a Difference Day
2012: Committee Member - Career Discovery Program for 8th Grade Students
Courses Taught
AHS 101 - Intro Applied Health Sciences
AHS 494 - Internship/Fieldwork
CBL 495 - Community Engagement Capstone
HWM 700 - Contemp Hlth/Well Perspectives
HWM 760 - Wellness Law
HWM 780 - Best Practices/Emerging Issues
KSP 494 - Internship
KSP 498 - Fieldwork-Kinesio/Sprt Perform
KSP 499 - Independent Study:
AHS 494 - Internship/Fieldwork
CBL 495 - Community Engagement Capstone
HWM 700 - Contemp Hlth/Well Perspectives
HWM 760 - Wellness Law
HWM 780 - Best Practices/Emerging Issues
KSP 494 - Internship
KSP 498 - Fieldwork-Kinesio/Sprt Perform
KSP 499 - Independent Study: