Rebeccah MacKinnon

  • Lecturer - Mathematics
  • Mathematics And Physics Department
  • Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2019
  • EMAIL:


  • College mathematics
  • Mathematics education
  • Algebraic topology
Rebeccah MacKinnon has been a lecturer in the Mathematics and Physics Department at UW-Parkside since 2019. She has made a niche for herself by teaching introductory college math classes with her trademark enthusiasm and passion for student success. She serves as liaison to the PARC (Parkside Academic Resource Center) for the math department and as Parkside’s representative on the UW System Math Placement Test Committee.

Before coming to Parkside, Dr MacKinnon completed her doctoral studies at the University of Iowa with her dissertation, An Equivalence Between Combinatorial Tangle Floer and Contact Categories. While at Iowa, she completed a Certificate in College Teaching and received an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, leading her to focus her career on college teaching rather than pure mathematics research.

Teaching Awards

2023: Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

University Service

: Other - PARC Math Department Coordinator

UW System Service

: Committee Member - Math Placement Test Committee
MATH 010 - Essential Math Skills
MATH 015 - Intermediate Algebra
MATH 100 - Foundations of College Math
MATH 102 - Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 102 - Survey of Mathematics
MATH 114 - College Algebra II/Trigonmetry
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