Michael "Mike" Manion, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor of Marketing Emeritus
  • Business Department
  • Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2003
  • PHONE: (262) 595-2163
  • EMAIL: manion@uwp.edu
See Current Profile on LinkedIn.com

Selected Publications

2018: Enhancing Learning Outcomes in Sales Education Through Variety and Authenticity, Proceedings of the Marketing Management Association Fall Conference, Kansas City Mo. Presented Sept. 19, 2018. (142-145 pp.)

2016: “Monica's Designer Handbags: Creative Marketing Decision-Making Based on Financial Analysis-A Case Study.” , Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness (11-18. pp.)

2015: Forging New Ground: Sales Education in the Wisconsin Flex Option, Marketing Management Association-Spring 2015 Conference (3 pp.)

2014: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Education, Journal of Marketing Education-Special Edition Sales Education-Fall 2014 (156-168 pp.)

2014: Blazing Golf Trails in Wisconsin: Attracting Avid Golfers to the State, Case Studies in Sport Management (1-16 pp.)

2013: "Involving Students in Institutional Marketing: A Community-Engaged Participatory Learning Project to Develop Professional Perspectives and to Improve Self-Efficacy Outcomes", Wisconsin Business Education Journal (9 pp.)

2012: "Student Perceptions of Community Engaged Participatory Learning Projects in Business Classes", European Journal of Business Research (pp. 121-127 pp.)

2012: Involving Students in Institutional Marketing , Wisconsin Business Education Journal (10-18 pp.)

Teaching Awards

2014: Organize and Direct 6 or more SEG-projects for community-based partners each semester., Community-Based Teaching Award, Center for Community Partnerships

Research/Creative Awards

2013: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Management, with Peter Knight and Claudia Mich, Best Paper, Sales and Sales Management Track, MBAA-International
2013: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Sales Education, with PeterKnight and Claudia Mich, Distinguished Paper, MCGraw-Hill-Irwin, MBAA International , MBAA-International 2013
2010: Present Paper at MBAA-International Spring Conference, CRCA Research Grant, CRCA
2010: Outstanding Paper, Marketing Strategy: Product and Pricing Track, Marketing Management Association Spring Conference

Service Awards

2013: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $3,000 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2012: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $3,000 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2011: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $3,000 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2010: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $3,000 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2009: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $2,500 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2009: Community Based Teaching Annual Award, Community Based Teaching Annual Award, University, Center for Community Partnerships
2008: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $2,500 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2007: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $2,500 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)
2006: TMAC Scholarship Grant for $3,000 per semester for Business student to take internship in University Business Services office under Controller Scott Menke. , $2,500 per semester TMAC Scholarship Internship Grant, Professional, Treasury Management Association of Chicago (TMAC)

Departmental Service

: - Faculty Senator
2019: Committee Member - Strategic Planning Committee

University Service

2016: Task Force Member - Domestic Recruiting Task Force
MBA 752 - Marketing Management
MBA 753 - Integrated Marketing Comm
MBA 793 - Competitive Decision Making
MKT 350 - Marketing Principles
MKT 494 - Internship
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