Jose Palao Andres

Jose Palao Andres


  • Knowledge transfer
  • Performance analysis in sport
  • Training and coaching in sport
Jose M. Palao is an Associate Professor of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Management Department. He is originally from Cartagena, Spain. Dr. Palao completed his licensure as well as his doctorate in Physical Activity and Sport at the University of Granada. After completing his dissertation in 2001, he worked as an assistant professor, associate professor, and a professor at the Catholic University of Saint Anthony, the University of Alcala, and the University of Murcia in Spain until 2015. He has carried out research visits at the University of Porto (Portugal), the University of Northern Iowa, and Iowa State University (as a visiting scholar).

Dr. Palao has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles, several text manuals, and scientific monographs, and he has directed more than 20 dissertations and master’s theses. In 2006, he was named a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the University of Northern Iowa, and in 2010, he was granted the Best Research Study distinction by the XXIX Sports Awards of the Region of Murcia (Spain). The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has twice recognized his research done in six-year periods (2002-2007 and 2008-2013). He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and has Level 4 Accreditation for Performance Analysts by the International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Palao’s teaching interests are focused on creating situations that allow students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in class in the lab activities or projects. His classes involve the use of technology, such as cameras, radars, photocells, inertial sensors, force platforms, online software, etc., to study human movement and to work collaboratively.

Research Interests

Dr. Palao’s research and work area focus on how to transfer information and work protocols between academics and professionals working in the field as well as the study of the aspects that affect performance, training, and coaching in sport (sport analytics, performance indicators at different levels of competition and age groups, specific strength training, etc.).

Consulting Interests

Dr. Palao has experience as a track and field, a football (soccer) and an indoor volleyball coach. He has coached volleyball teams at the club, college, and professional levels in Spain. Further, he has provided scientific support for athletes and teams (professional volleyball teams, track & field athletes, soccer teams, beach volleyball teams, and a rugby team).

Selected Publications

2024: Effect of Rule Modifications on Kinematic Parameters Using Maturity Stage as a Moderating Variable in U-10 Football Players , Sensors (Section: Sport)

2024: Effect of changes in the net height, court size, and serve limitations on technical-tactical, physical, and psychological aspects of U-14 female volleyball matches, Frontiers of Psychology (Section: Sport psychology)

2023: Design and validation of a tool to collect student-athletes' perception of their satisfaction, Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine (25-36 pp.)

2023: Evolution of players’ and coach’s perceptions throughout the implementation of goal-setting regarding game performance indicators: a case study in sub-elite women’s football, Sport Performance & Science Reports

2023: Influence of Rule Manipulation on Technical–Tactical Actions in Young Basketball Players: A Scoping Review, Childrens

2022: Reliability of a Qualitative Instrument to Assess High-Risk Mechanisms during a 90° Change of Direction in Female Football Players, International Journal of Env. Research and Public Health (4143 pp.)

2021: Chapter 24. Home Advantage in Volleyball, Routledge

2021: Effect of scaling basket height for young basketball players during the competition: seeking out positive sport experiences, Journal of Sports Sciences

2021: Training methods and criteria used by Spanish volleyball coaches, Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning

2021: Does youth soccer players' group cooperation improve when pitch, goal, and team size are reduced?, Journal of Human Kinetics

2020: Effect of scaling equipment on U-10 players tennis serve during match-play: A nonlinear pedagogical approach, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

2020: Do differences between the training load perceived by elite beach volleyball players and that planned by coaches affect neuromuscular function?, Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación

2020: Players’ match demands according to age and playing position in professional male soccer players, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport

2020: Effect of modification rules in competition on technical-tactical action in young tennis players (under-10), Frontiers in Psychology, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology

2020: Effect of the Modification of the Number of Players, the Size of the Goal, and the Size of the Field in Competition on the Play Actions in U-12 Male Football, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (E518 pp.)

2019: Jump performance during official matches in elite volleyball players: A pilot study, Journal of Human Kinetics (259–269 pp.)

2019: Measuring the training external jump load of elite male volleyball players: a pilot study in Portuguese League, Retos (454-458 pp.)

2019: Design, Validation, and Reliability of an Observation Instrument for Technical and Tactical Actions of the Offense Phase in Soccer, Frontiers in psychology (Movement Science and Sport psychology) (9 pp.)

2018: Side-out success and ways that points are obtained in women's college volleyball, Journal of Sports Analytics (243-250 pp.)

2018: Reliability of fitness trackers of different ranges of price measuring steps and heart rate. , Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine, (57-64 pp.)

2018: Daily and weekly training load and wellness status in preparatory, regular and congested weeks: a season-long study in elite volleyball players, Research in Sports Medicine (462-473 pp.)

2018: Effect of eight weeks of upper-body plyometric training during the competitive season on professional female volleyball players, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (1423-31 pp.)

2017: Evolution of game’s demands from young to elite players in men’s volleyball, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (788-795 pp.)

2017: Performance differences between winning and losing under-19, under-21 and senior teams in men’s beach volleyball, International Journal of Performance Analysis (96-108 pp.)

2016: Correlation between ball speed of the spike and the strength condition of a professional women’s volleyball team during the season, Kinesiology (87-94 pp.)

2016: Collegiate coaches’ knowledge of the female athlete triad in relation to sport type, The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness (287-94 pp.)

2015: Physical actions and work-rest time in women’s beach volleyball, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport (424–429 pp.)

2015: Skill efficacy in men’s beach volleyball, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport (125–134 pp.)

2014: Game statistical system and criteria used by Spanish volleyball coaches, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport (564–573 pp.)

2014: Kinematic, strength, and stiffness adaptations after a short-term sled towing training in athletes, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (279–290 pp.)

2013: Testing protocol for monitoring upper-body strength using medicine balls, Journal of Human Sport and Exercise (334–341 pp.)

2012: How to improve and monitor the speed of the spike - From the weight room to the volleyball court, Volleyball Ace. Power Tips (1–4 pp.)

2011: Effects of a sand running surface on the kinematics of sprinting at maximum velocity, Biology of Sport (95–100 pp.)

2010: Effect of 4 months of training on aerobic power, strength, and acceleration in two under-19 soccer teams, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (2705 pp.)

2009: Determining the optimal load for resisted sprint training with sled towing, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (480-485 pp.)

2009: Testing protocol for monitoring spike and serve speed in volleyball, Strength & Conditioning Journal (47-51 pp.)

2008: Effects of three types of resisted sprint training devices on the kinematics of sprinting at maximum velocity, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (890-897 pp.)

AHS 494 - Internship/Fieldwork
HWM 700 - Contemp Hlth/Well Perspectives
HWM 720 - Exrcise/Nutrition-Hlth&Disease
HWM 730 - Biopsychosocial Aspcts of Hlth
KSP 310 - Measuremt&Evaluation-Sprt/Exer
KSP 310 - Measuremt/Evaluation-Sprt/Exer
KSP 330 - Sport/Exercise Biomechanics
KSP 350 - Rsrch Mthds-Kinesio/Sprt Perfm
KSP 410 - Fitness Assessmt/Exer Prescrpt
KSP 425 - Program Dsgn Athl Develp/Train
KSP 480 - Adv Sem-Kinesio/Sport Perform
KSP 480 - Sen Sem-Kinesio/Sport Perform
KSP 494 - Internship
KSP 498 - Fieldwork-Kinesio/Sprt Perform
KSP 499 - Independent Study:
MSSM 600 - Sports Analytics
MSSM 798 - Thesis in Sport Management
PE 161 - Speed/Power/Agility Training
UWP 101 - First Yr Sem: Natural/Hlth Sci
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