Fabian Preuss

  • Associate Professor - Biological Sciences
  • Biological Sciences Department
  • Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2006
  • PHONE: (262) 595-2124
  • EMAIL: preussf@uwp.edu


  • circadian rhythms
  • intestinal cancer
  • fiber
  • microbiota
  • prebiotics
Fabian Preuss was born in Wolfsburg, Germany. He obtained his Bachelor in Science at the university of Odense, Denmark. After entering the United States in 1999 he completed both his Masters and PhD in Missouri. 2006 he moved to Chicago, IL and conducted research at Northwestern University before arriving at Parkside in January of 2012 where he currently holds a position as Associate Professor in the Biology department.

Teaching Interests

His teaching focus is closely related to the research interests and involves mammalian physiology and pathology and how it might be linked to circadian rhythms, sleep and aging.
Due to his involvement in Parkside's animal care facility, he has hosted workshops in animal research and had dozens of independent study students conduction research.

Research Interests

Dr Preuss has investigated mechanisms of circadian regulation from flies, over mice to humans. Those studies involved the investigation of circadian and sleep disorders or disruptions and the effects on the physiology of the organism. The most recent and current studies involve the elucidation of links between the circadian system and body responses to dietary or pathological challenges focusing on micobiota.

Consulting Interests

Selected Publications

2016: Fibersol-2 Induces Apoptosis of Apc-deficient Colorectal Cancer (SW480) Cells and Decreases Polyp Formation in Apc-MIN Mice, Cancer Biology & Therapy

Research/Creative Awards

2016: Reward for providing exceptional student research opportunities., Instructional Excellence, UWP Biological Science Health Club

College Service

: Committee Member - AHS Steering Committee

University Service

: - Director of Animal Care Facility

Public Service

2019: Board Member - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics – Great Lake Chapter (ASPET GLC)
BIOS 101 - Bioscience
BIOS 105 - Human Physiology and Anatomy I
BIOS 106 - Human Physiology & Anatomy II
BIOS 109 - Biology of Aging
BIOS 341 - Mammalian Physiology
BIOS 342 - Mammalian Physiology Lab
BIOS 490 - Adv Topics-Biological Sci:
BIOS 494 - Internship
BIOS 499 - Independent Study:
BIOS 699 - Independent Study:
BIOS 711 - Thesis
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