Helen Rosenberg
- Professor - Sociology Emeritus
- Sociology Department
- Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1989
- PHONE: (262) 595-2146
- EMAIL: rosenbeh@uwp.edu

- Community Based Learning
- Mental Illness
- Older Adults
- Evaluation Research
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
Her areas of expertise include the general areas of deviant behavior and gerontology, with special interest in the sociology of mental illness and substance use and abuse among older adults.
Research Interests
Since 2006, Dr. Rosenberg has received funding from Bader Philanthropies to invite experts in the field of gerontology with special interest in Alzheimer's disease to present innovations in the field. Presentations are free and open to the public. In 2015, Dr. Rosenberg worked on a grant awarded to the Racine Vocational Ministry (RVM) to assess the stress levels of ex-offenders released to the community from prison in four census tracts in Racine. She was principle evaluator on the Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Futures (LIHF) supported through the Wisconsin Partnership Program. Other research interests revolve around community based learning (CBL). She has published in areas that assess the impact of CBL on retention. At this time, she is examining the extent to which faculty and community partners agree on the purpose of their projects and how explicit faculty and community partners realize the social justice implications of their work. Since, 2015, she has hosted a study tour of Poland during 'J' term with students. Her academic partner is with the History Department at the University of Gdansk.
Consulting Interests
Selected Publications
2021: Service Learning and Community Development, Lexington Publishing
2020: Study abroad as experiential learning, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Globalization (137-149 pp.)
2019: Report on Status of Women in Poverty in Kenosha/Racine, Website
2016: Expanding the Dimensions of Best Practice in Community Based Learning, Partnerships (51-69 pp.)
2016: Learning from others: Engaging students with people diagnosed with, Common Ground (179-189 pp.)
2013: Faculty Views on community based learning as a teaching tool: Benefits, varriers and policy implicaitons for future engagement, Australasian Journal of University-Community Engagement. (24 pp.)
2012: Service learning and the nontraditional student: What's age got to do with it?, Information Age Publsihing
2012: The importance of infrastructure for support for community based learning, Journal of College and Character (9 pp.)
Selected Awards & Honors
Teaching Awards
2013: The Sister Joel Read Civic Engagement Practitioners Award recognizes faculty and staff members who make significant contributions to civic engagement on their campus. The award honors practitioners who have built successful campus-community partnerships to both support student learning and development and the civic mission of the institution. , The 2013 Sister Joel Read Civic Engagement Practitioners Award, Wisconsin Campus Compact
Research/Creative Awards
2013: William H. Sewell Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Wisconsin Sociological Association
Service Awards
2018: Received 2018 Service Award, Service Award, University, UWP
2016: Awarded for 25 years of service., Service Award, University, UWP
2012: Applied for this award; award notificaiton December, 2012, President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, Community, President of US
Key Service Activities
University Service
2017: Committee Chair - University Committee