Xun "George" Wang, Full Professor

  • Full Professor
  • Sociology Department
  • Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1995
  • PHONE: (262) 595-2520
  • EMAIL: wang@uwp.edu
Xun Wang


  • China Studies
  • Organizational Studies
Dr. Xun (George) Wang is a full professor of Sociology at University of Wisconsin-Parkside. His research focuses on global social change, organizational studies and China studies. He has published four books including Global Sociology, Human Resource Management and more than sixty articles in Journal of International Management, Thunderbird International Business Review, Journal of Youth Studies, Asian Pacific Business Review, Journal of Third World Studies and Journal of Asian and Africa Studies, etc. He is the recipient of 2012 Research and Creative Activity Award at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and the University of Wisconsin System Teaching Scholar of 2014. He directed international exchange programs with the funding from the US Department of States, the US Department of Education and the Fulbright Foundation (funding exceeding $600,000).

Teaching Interests

Formal Organizations, Research Methods, Marriage and Family, Social Institutions in Contemporary China,

Research Interests

Formal Organizations, China Studies, Comparative Sociology

Consulting Interests

Formal Organizations, China Studies

Selected Publications

: School-Home Collaboration: Interactive Effects of Organizational and Parental Support on Student Career Adapting Responses, Journal of Career Assessment

: School-Home Collaboration: Interactive Effects of Organizational and Parental Support on Student Career Adapting Responses, Journal of Career Assessment

: 2020 Book Reivew: Bates, Robert H. The Development Dilemma: Security, Prosperity, & A Return to History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017, International Social Science Review

2019: “Xiaotong Fei and Localization of Sociology in China" , Social Sciences Academic Press. (Pp. 165-171 pp.)

2017: In Memory of Professor Fei Xiaotong , Development of Sociology in China (120-125 pp.)

2017: Fei Xiaotong and Localization of Sociology in China, Social Sciences Weekly

2016: Book Review: Social Quality Theory: A New Perspective on Social Development by Ka Lin and Peter Hermann, International Social Science Review (2 pp.)

2016: Lost and Found: Xiaotong Fei’s Lost Manuscript ‘The Relationship between Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism’, Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (Pp.127-136 pp.)

2016: “Consumer Xenocentrism in China: An Exploratory Study" , Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. (73-91 pp.)

: “Consumer Xenocentrism in China: An Exploratory Study" , Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

2014: Cultural or Structural? Two Perspectives on Conflicts in Sino-U.S. Joint Ventures, Transnational Corporations Review (344-361 pp.)

2014: On Social Organization and the Authoritarian State in China , Chinese Sociological Association

2013: Doing Sociology Worldwide, Oxford University Press

2013: Brief Review of World Demographic Trends - Summary,

2012: Brief Review of World Demographic Trends - Population , (15 pp.)

2012: Brief Review of World Demographic Trends Trends in Age Distributions, (16 pp.)

2012: “Market, Hierarchy, and Network: Three Coordination Mechanism in China’s Rural Firms, Athens Institute for Education and Research 2012 Business Conference Paper Series. (14 pp.)

2012: Brief Review of World Demographic Trends Explaining Population Trends: Birth, Death and Migration, (20 pp.)

2012: Brief Review of World Demographic Trends Explaining Population Trends: Birth, Death and Migration, (20 pp.)

2012: “Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Agriculture in China Scientifically” (with Zuotao Zeng). Xinhua Wenzhai (Digest of Chinese Journal). 4:122-124. (2012). (My contribution is 50%) , 1. “Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Agriculture in China Scientifically” (122-124 pp.)

2011: “Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Agriculture in China Scientifically , Science and Technology Review (71-75 pp.)

2010: "Value Differences between Generations in China: A Study in Shanghai", Journal of Youth Studies (17 pp.)

2010: "Chinese Students' Beliefs Regarding Their Ability to Participate in Online Courses", Journal for Global Business Educations (16 pp.)

2010: "Value Differences between Generations in China: A Study in Shanghai", Journal of Youth Studies (17 pp.)

2009: "How We Should Measure Progress?" , Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Measuring the Progress of Societies site.http://www.scribd.com/doc/24856535/Handout-3-How-Measure-Progress (6 pp.)

2009: Doing Sociology Worldwide, Doing Sociology. Edited by Jammie Price, Roger Straus, and Jeffrey Breese. Lexington Books A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Lanham, MD. (15 pp.)

2008: "Labor Relations in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures,", Association of Third World Studies (6 pp.)

: Doing Sociology Around the World. , In Doing Sociology. Jammie Price, Jeff Breese, and Roger Straus. Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD. (16 pp.)

2007: “Personal Global Connectivity and Consumer Behavior: A Study in Shanghai” , Journal of International Consumer Marketing Vol. 19, Issue 3, 103-119. 2006 (16 pp.)

2007: “Tenure System in the US, Part I.” , Teahouse for Sociologists 20:109-114. 2007 (6 pp.)

2007: “Tenure System in the US, Part II.” , Teahouse for Sociologists 21:105-110. 2007 (6 pp.)

2007: “Tenure System in the US, Part III.” , Teahouse for Sociologists 22:102-109. 2007 (8 pp.)

2007: “Teaching about American Corporations in China: An International, Interdisciplinary, and Team-Taught Seminar” , Journal for Global Business Education. 7:37-48. 2007 (11 pp.)

2006: "Study of Major Social Institutions in China" , http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~sosc1/soc/aboutus/drruan/

2006: "The Politics of Local Control and Program Evaluation in Community Context" (with Helen Rosenberg, Anne Statham, Esther Letven). , Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation. 4: 58-79. (21 pp.)

2006: Book Review: The Structure and Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification , Journal of Asian and African Studies 41: 521-523 (3 pp.)

2005: "Conflict and its Management in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures: A Review", David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies Working Paper Series. (34 pp.)

2005: "Unemployment issues in the United States" in On the Frontiers of Science, Volume III: Social and Behavior Sciences (Edited by Xun Wang), Beijing, Tsinghua University Press, Tsinghua University Press (19 pp.)

2005: On the Frontiers of Science, Volume III: Social and Behavior Sciences (Editor-in-Chief)In this book, we invited 23 Chinese American professors from different disciplines to contributed articles about the hot topics in their disciplines and major theoretical perspectives., Tsinghua University Press (270 pp.)

2004: "Teaching About Social Welfare in United States: An InternationalEducation Program" (with Anne Statham), Education Global 8 (12 pp.)

2003: "China's Agricultural and Food Sector: Opportunities for the USA after WTO.", University of Wisconsin System, Institute for Global Studies (26 pp.)

2003: "Conflict and Its Management in Sino-US Joint Ventures", University of Wisconsin System, Institute for Global Studies (26 pp.)

2003: "India's IT Industry and Employment: What Can China Learn?", Guangming Daily(This is one of the three major newspapers in China mainly focus on academic affairs and issues. (1 pp.)

2003: "Lessons from American Social Welfare System,", Teahouse for Sociologists (5 pp.)

2003: "Longitudinal Demographic Data on the Web" 17: 94-98, 2003., Michigan Sociological Review (5 pp.)

2003: "Unemployment Problems in the Unites States", Teahouse for Sociologists (5 pp.)

2002: "Conflict in International Joint Ventures: Toward a New Sinified Corporate Culture or "Alternative Globalization" in China", Hong Kong Baptist University Business Research Center Working Paper Series (39 pp.)

Teaching Awards

2016: This annual event, held at the State Capitol, is a chance for students from across the UW System to showcase their work for members of the State Legislature, and to demonstrate the importance of our work with students. Our campus selected six students projects in 2016 and one of them is my student Molly Lake, Posters in the Rotunda, University of Wisconsin System
2015: This annual event, held at the State Capitol, is a chance for students from across the UW System to showcase their work for members of the State Legislature, and to demonstrate the importance of our work with students. Our campus selected six students projects in 2015 and one of them is my student, Posters in the Rotunda, University of Wisconsin System
2015: Each year, the University of Wisconsin System selects one outstanding tenured faculty as the Teaching Scholar from each institution., University of Wisconsin System Teaching Scholar, University of Wisconsin System
2014: Each year, the University of Wisconsin System selects one outstanding tenured faculty as the Teaching Scholar from each institution., University of Wisconsin System Teaching Scholar, University of Wisconsin System
2013: Each year, the University of Wisconsin System selects one outstanding tenured faculty as the Teaching Scholar from each institution. , University of Wisconsin System Teaching Scholar, University of Wisconsin System
2012: Nominated to receive the Stella Gray Teaching Excellence Award at University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Stella Gray Teaching Excellence Award at University of Wisconsin-Parkside. 2012. , University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2011: My contribution to develop the Asian Studies minor was mentioned in Chancellor Ford’s address at the 2011 fall convocation, Honorable mention, UW-Parkside
2011: My student Caroline Harvey, as one of the seven from UW-Parkside, presented “Successful Universities and Successful Students: An Examination of Retention and Graduation Rates” at the Posters in the Rotunda. , Posters in the Rotundas, UW-System

Research/Creative Awards

2012: 2012 University of Wisconsin-Parkside Research and Creative Activity Award recipient. , 2012 University of Wisconsin-Parkside Research and Creative Activiy Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Service Awards

2019: Served as one of 12 members of the review panel for the Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-Financed Ph.D. Students Abroad in the US.

This is a prestigious annual award from Chinese Government for outstanding Chinese Ph.D. students. The award consists of $6,000 to $10,000 and a diploma to be presented at the Chinese Embassy in the United States. Most of the reviewers are full professors from prestigious universities and agencies in the Greater Chicago area including University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Argonne National Lab, etc. For instance, this year’s review panel consists of four members including Professor Yonggang Huang from Northwestern University, Professor Xianchuan Pan from University of Chicago, Scientist Dr.Zuotao Zen from Argonne National Lab.

I have been serving as a judge since 2005., Chinese Government (National) Scholarship Award Review Committee, Community, Consulate General of China in Chicago
2016: Exceptional Leadership Award for Serving as the President of the Society of Chinese American Professors and Scientists, Exceptional Leadership Award , Professional, Society of Chinese American Professors and Scientists
2016: The Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar award (Chinese: 长江学者奖励计划 is the highest academic award issued to an individual in higher education by the Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部) of the People's Republic of China. The award is also known as the "Cheung Kong Scholar" award and is referred to in English both internationally and by official Chinese government publications as the "Yangtze River" Scholar award. The award goes to China’s top scholars, who receive the title of Changjiang Distinguished Professor at their university and are provided with financial resources sufficient to enhance the research profile and international visibility of that university. Although the award is rarely granted to foreign scientists, a few renowned international recipients are chosen each year. These international recipients typically receive a visiting appointment at a major university in China, along with the title of Changjiang Chaired Professor, and are additionally charged enhancing international exchange with that university., Judge of Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar Award, Professional, Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部) of the People's Republic of China
2015: I was invited as the representative of the judges to attend the Award Ceremony of the 2015 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad at the University of Chicago. Mr Lei Hong , the Chinese Consul General of Chicago and the Vice President of the University of Chicago, Darren Reisberg, were the guests among others. The award is a highly competitive which is sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It recognizes the academic excellence of self-financed (non-government sponsored) Chinese students pursuing a PhD across all fields of study overseas. Awardees receive either $6,000 for regular award or $10,000 for special award. , Chinese Government (National) Scholarship Award Review Committee, Community, Consulate General of China in Chicago
2015: The Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar award (Chinese: 长江学者奖励计划 is the highest academic award issued to an individual in higher education by the Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部) of the People's Republic of China. The award is also known as the "Cheung Kong Scholar" award and is referred to in English both internationally and by official Chinese government publications as the "Yangtze River" Scholar award. The award goes to China’s top scholars, who receive the title of Changjiang Distinguished Professor at their university and are provided with financial resources sufficient to enhance the research profile and international visibility of that university. Although the award is rarely granted to foreign scientists, a few renowned international recipients are chosen each year. These international recipients typically receive a visiting appointment at a major university in China, along with the title of Changjiang Chaired Professor, and are additionally charged enhancing international exchange with that university., Judge of Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar Award, Professional, Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部) of the People's Republic of China

Departmental Service

2022: Chairperson - Search Committee
2021: Chairperson - Search Committee
2019: Committee Member - Executive Committee
2017: Committee Member - Executive Committee
2016: Committee Member - Executive Committee

College Service

2021: Chairperson - Institute for China Studies
2020: Chairperson - Institute for China Studies
2019: Chairperson - Institute for China Studies
2019: Committee Member - Executive Committee of Criminal Justice Department
2018: Committee Member - Task Force for Master of Arts of Professional Studies
2017: - Institute for China Studies
2017: Committee Member - Executive Committee of Criminal Justice Department
2017: Committee Member - Task Force for Master of Arts of Professional Studies
2016: Committee Member - Task Force for Master of Arts of Professional Studies
2016: Committee Member - Executive Committee of Criminal Justice Department
2013: Committee Member - Executive Committee of Criminal Justice Department

University Service

2023: Committee Member - Sabbatical Review Committee
2021: Committee Member - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2020: Chairperson - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2020: Committee Member - Faculty/Academic Staff Professional Opportunity Fund Committee
2019: Chairperson - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2019: Committee Member - Faculty/Academic Staff Professional Opportunity Fund Committee
2019: Committee Member - Sabbatical Review Committee
2019: Committee Member - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2018: Committee Member - International Studies Steering Committee
2018: Committee Member - Sabbatical Review Committee
2017: Committee Member - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2017: Committee Member - International Studies Steering Committee
2017: Committee Chair - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2017: Committee Member - Faculty/Academi Staff Professional Opportunity Fund Committee
2016: Committee Chair - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2016: Committee Member - Faculty/Academi Staff Professional Opportunity Fund Committee
2016: Committee Member - International Studies Steering Committee
2016: Committee Member - University of Wisconsin-Parkside Sabbatical Review Committee
2015: Committee Chair - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2015: Committee Member - International Studies Steering Committee
2014: Committee Chair - Committee on Research and Creative Activity
2014: Committee Member - International Studies Steering Committee
2013: Committee Member - Sabbatical Review Committee
2012: Committee Member - Graduate Studies Committee

Professional Service

2013: Officer, Vice President - Society of Chinese American Professors and Scientists
2012: Officer, Vice President - Society of Chinese American Professors and Scientists
2012: Other - Visiting Professorship

Public Service

2019: Committee Chair - Chinese Government (National) Scholarship Award Review Committee
2017: Committee Chair - Chinese Government (National) Scholarship Award Review Committee
2016: Task Force Member - Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部) of the People's Republic of China
SOCA 101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCA 207 - Marriage and Family
SOCA 213 - Gender and Society
SOCA 295 - Social Science Research Mthds
SOCA 307 - Survey Methods
SOCA 319 - Death and Dying
SOCA 329 - Soc Institutions-Contemp China
SOCA 373 - Formal Organization
SOCA 490 - Special Topics in Sociology:
SOCA 492 - Internship in Sociology
SOCA 499 - Independent Study:
WGSS 213 - Gender and Society
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