John Ward, PhD
- Chair, Departments of Geography and Anthropology / History / Politics Philosophy and Law
- Geography and Anthropology Department
- Ph.D., University of Arkansas, 2007
- PHONE: (262) 595-3327

- Cultural Resource Management
- Natural Resource Management
- Cyberspace
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
GIS, physical geography, natural disasters, cultural and natural resource management
Research Interests
My academic interests involve the use of geospatial technology in the study of people, the Earth, and cyberspace. I have published and/or presented my research in Jamaica, South Africa, Finland, Austria, the UK and the US.
Consulting Interests
Selected Publications
2023: Citizen Engagement to Transfer Innovation to Regional Development - A survey project to identify citizen needs in small and midsized communities. ,
2021: Smart Cities – Fundamental Concepts, Springer-Verlag publishers
2015: Pilgrimage, Place, and Preservation: The Real and Imagined Geography of the Grateful Dead in Song, on Tour, and in Cyberspace, Sites of Popular Music Heritage, Routledge
2013: The History and Geography of the Milwaukee Road in Eastern Washington, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
2012: Piracy or Preservation? The Underground Dissemination of Bootleg Recordings on the World Wide Web, International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Grahamstown, South Africa (271-277 pp.)
2011: Discography, Preservation, and Cultural Crossings: The Role of the World Wide Web in the Underground Dissemination of Nordic Jazz Recordings. , Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive/International Institute for Popular Culture, IIPC Publication Series Vol. 4, Helsinki/Turku (91-105 pp.)
2010: The John Wayne Pioneer Trail in Washington State: Rails-to-Trails to… Rails and Trails? , Material Culture: The Journal of the Pioneer America Society. (33 pp.)
2009: Understanding the Relationship between Humans and Water Resources: A Lesson Study for Introductory Geography Classes, UW System Office of Professional & Instructional Development (OPID) Lesson Study Project Gallery
Selected Awards & Honors
Teaching Awards
2013: Stella Gray Teaching Excellence Award 2012-2013, UW-Parkside
2008: Outstanding Community-Based Teaching Instructor 2007-2008, UW-Parkside Center for Community Partnerships
Key Service Activities
Departmental Service
: Chairperson - Department of Geography and Anthropology Executive Committee
: Chairperson - Department of Geography and Anthropology
: Other - GIS Factory
: Committee Chair - GIS Steering Committee
: Program Coordinator - GIS Lab
: Program Coordinator - GIS Minor and Certificate Program
University Service
: Committee Member - Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Courses Taught
GEOG 250 - Map Use and Analysis
GEOG 306 - Natural Disasters and Society
GEOG 308 - Conservatn-Cultrl/Natrl Rsrces
GEOG 350 - Cartography and GIS
GEOG 355 - Field Mapping
GEOG 494 - Internship in Geography
GEOG 499 - Independent Study: