Bingqing Wu, Ph.D, SHRM-CP, ACC
- Associate Professor of Management
- Business Department
- Ph.D., University of Illinois, Chicago, 2019
- LinkedIn Profile
- Human Resource Management
- Leadership
- Creativity
- Organizational Behavior
- Research Methods
Teaching, Research/Creative & Consulting Interests
Teaching Interests
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership
Research Interests
Creativity, Proactivity, High Involvement HRM Practice, Leadership, Ambivalence
Consulting Interests
Dr. Wu is an ICF-certified executive and career coach (ACC). Her expertise is sought after by a diverse clientele, including Fortune 100 managers, higher education administrators, and physicians, particularly those facing career transitions and striving for work/life balance—especially for minority leaders.
Selected Publications
2024: Why is Leader Humility Related to OCBs? A Psychological Entitlement Explanation of the Curvilinear Moderated Relations., Journal of Leadership and Organization Development
2024: Stretch Goals and Radical Creative Engagement: Cognitive Flexibility as a Key Contingency, Management and Organization Review
2024: What’s the point in even trying? Women’s perception of glass ceiling drains hope, Journal of Social Psychology
2023: Are Proactive Employees Always Creative? The Moderated-mediation Role of Political Skills, Journal of General Management
2023: Stew in Silence or Boil up Gradually? A Process Model of Employees’ Remedial Voice, Journal of Management and Organizations
2023: Is Exercise Good for All? Time- and Strain-based Work–family Conflict and its Impacts, Journal of Social Psychology
2023: A Power-with versus Power-over Framework of Leadership Behaviors and Creativity, Journal of General Management
2022: Being Busy, Feeling Poor: Development and Validation of the Perceived Time Poverty Scale, International Journal of Selection and Assessment
2022: When Positives and Negatives Collide: Evidence for a Systematic Model of Employees’ Responses to Ambivalence , Journal of Business and Psychology
2022: Cooperation leads Change: Subordinate Moqi, Leader-member Exchange, and Change-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors among Chinese Workers, Journal of General Management. Sage Publications
2021: The Interplay of Leader–Member Exchange and Peer Mentoring in Teams on Team Performance via Team Potency, Journal of Organizational Behavior
2020: Proactive Personality and Creative Behavior: Examining the Role of Thriving at Work and High-Involvement HR Practices, Journal of Business and Psychology
2019: Reversing the Pollyanna: Core Self-Evaluations and Perceived Social Acceptance-A Moderated Curvilinear Relationship, Journal of Business and Psychology
2014: Social networking websites and personnel selection: A call for academic research, Psychology Press
Selected Awards & Honors
Teaching Awards
2023: Early Career Excellence in Teaching Nomination, University of Wisconsin Parkside
2022: Nominated for the Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) honor in recognition of support with Parkside Athlete students, Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) , Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage
Research/Creative Awards
2024: Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2023: Early Career Excellence in Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2022: Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2021: Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2020: Best Conference Paper Award for Human Resources/Research Method Track, Southern Management Association
Key Service Activities
College Service
: Committee Member - Marketing Committee
: Committee Member - Department Award Committee
University Service
2023: Committee Chair - Awards and Ceremonies
Professional Service
: Committee Member - College-Level Examination Program Test Development
Courses Taught
BUS 494 - Internship in Business
HRM 343 - Human Resource Management
MBA 742 - Leadrshp:Theory,Applcn,Skl Dev
MBA 781 - Strategic Compensation
MGT 349 - Organizational Behavior
MGT 446 - Global Management