Bingqing Wu, Ph.D, SHRM-CP, ACC

Bingqing Wu


  • Human Resource Management
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research Methods
Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor of Management. She is a SHRM Certified Professional. She earned her master’s degree in Labor and Employment Relations from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and her doctoral degree in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at the University of Illinois, Chicago. She was also a Chicago Metropolitan Exchange Scholar at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Her primary areas of research interest include leadership, ambivalence, and creativity. She has published her research in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Business and Psychology, and Journal of General Management. She also has presented numerously at the Academy of Management conference and Southern Management Association (Best Paper Award Winner). She has been honored with the Early Career Excellence Award in Research by UWP.

Teaching Interests

Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership

Research Interests

Creativity, Proactivity, High Involvement HRM Practice, Leadership, Ambivalence

Consulting Interests

Dr. Wu is an ICF-certified executive and career coach (ACC). Her expertise is sought after by a diverse clientele, including Fortune 100 managers, higher education administrators, and physicians, particularly those facing career transitions and striving for work/life balance—especially for minority leaders.

Selected Publications

2024: Why is Leader Humility Related to OCBs? A Psychological Entitlement Explanation of the Curvilinear Moderated Relations., Journal of Leadership and Organization Development

2024: Stretch Goals and Radical Creative Engagement: Cognitive Flexibility as a Key Contingency, Management and Organization Review

2024: What’s the point in even trying? Women’s perception of glass ceiling drains hope, Journal of Social Psychology

2023: Are Proactive Employees Always Creative? The Moderated-mediation Role of Political Skills, Journal of General Management

2023: Stew in Silence or Boil up Gradually? A Process Model of Employees’ Remedial Voice, Journal of Management and Organizations

2023: Is Exercise Good for All? Time- and Strain-based Work–family Conflict and its Impacts, Journal of Social Psychology

2023: A Power-with versus Power-over Framework of Leadership Behaviors and Creativity, Journal of General Management

2022: Being Busy, Feeling Poor: Development and Validation of the Perceived Time Poverty Scale, International Journal of Selection and Assessment

2022: When Positives and Negatives Collide: Evidence for a Systematic Model of Employees’ Responses to Ambivalence , Journal of Business and Psychology

2022: Cooperation leads Change: Subordinate Moqi, Leader-member Exchange, and Change-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors among Chinese Workers, Journal of General Management. Sage Publications

2021: The Interplay of Leader–Member Exchange and Peer Mentoring in Teams on Team Performance via Team Potency, Journal of Organizational Behavior

2020: Proactive Personality and Creative Behavior: Examining the Role of Thriving at Work and High-Involvement HR Practices, Journal of Business and Psychology

2019: Reversing the Pollyanna: Core Self-Evaluations and Perceived Social Acceptance-A Moderated Curvilinear Relationship, Journal of Business and Psychology

2014: Social networking websites and personnel selection: A call for academic research, Psychology Press

Teaching Awards

2023: Early Career Excellence in Teaching Nomination, University of Wisconsin Parkside
2022: Nominated for the Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) honor in recognition of support with Parkside Athlete students, Very Impactful Professors and Staff (VIPS) , Parkside Athletics / Gateway Mortgage

Research/Creative Awards

2024: Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2023: Early Career Excellence in Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2022: Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2021: Research and Creative Activity Award, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
2020: Best Conference Paper Award for Human Resources/Research Method Track, Southern Management Association

College Service

: Committee Member - Marketing Committee
: Committee Member - Department Award Committee

University Service

2023: Committee Chair - Awards and Ceremonies

Professional Service

: Committee Member - College-Level Examination Program Test Development
BABA 306X - Data Appl in HR & Strat Mgt
BUS 494 - Internship in Business
HRM 343 - Human Resource Management
MBA 742 - Leadrshp:Theory,Applcn,Skl Dev
MBA 781 - Strategic Compensation
MGT 349 - Organizational Behavior
MGT 446 - Global Management
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