Do you enjoy new experiences? Are you looking for a way to get involved and make a difference in your community?
Be a volunteer! There are so many great reasons to volunteer. You will be giving back to the community and gaining valuable experience. You'll also feel really good about yourself and have fun all at the same time!
With relationships with more than 100 local agencies and organizations, our volunteer opportunities will help you find an activity that fits both your interests and your schedule. Everyone is welcome to participate in one of our many volunteer traditions including Make a Difference Day, and Earth Day Clean Up. Additional information about volunteer opportunities can be found on Handshake. Select “Jobs” and then type "Volunteer" in the search bar.
Parkside also serves as an Official Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award Program, which recognizes US Citizens who live a life of service. We believe that positive action can change the world.
For more information contact:
Advising and Career Center, Wyllie D175
Email: advisingcenter@uwp.edu
Campus Activities & Engagement, SCTR L104
Email: activitiesengagement@uwp.edu
Get Involved! Inspire others!

With our commitment to community engagement, many local organizations request support from our students ranging from one-time special events to ongoing program activities.
Involvement & Engagement Fair
Every fall and spring semester, representatives from area human service agencies and Parkside clubs and organizations are on hand to talk about their organizations and volunteer opportunities. Students can sign up to volunteer with the organizations or simply get more information as to some of the service opportunities.
February 5, 2020
Make A Difference Day
For more than 20 years, Make A Difference Day, has been the largest national day of community service. As a part of National Day of Doing Good, Parkside students volunteer throughout the Kenosha and Racine communities at sites ranging from the River Bend Nature Center to Habitat for Humanity.
October 24, 2020
Sign up at the Bridge recruiting table or in the Campus Engagement and Activities Office, SCTR L104, leading up to the event.
Blood Drives
Several times a year, the Student Volunteer program sponsors a campus wide blood drive. Along with donating blood, volunteers are needed to promote the event and staff tables.
Co-sponsored by Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority
February 18, 2020
April 21, 2020
Earth Day Clean Up
This community service program is designed to raise awareness of hunger, homelessness, and environmental issues at earth-friendly worksites in southeastern Wisconsin.
April 25, 2020