What is a Ranger Reader Volunteer?
What is a Ranger Reader Volunteer?
A member of the Parkside community who volunteers to tutor elementary children in reading once per week (or every other week) for 30 minutes. You will be matched with a student in Kenosha (through Readers are Leaders) schools based on your preference of location and time availability.
Why is it important?
Why is it important?
Early literacy is truly an equity issue. The more children read and discuss what they read, the better chance they have to advance in all of their learning. Reading tutors help children who may not have the chance to regularly read with a caring adult at home. The Readers Are Leaders program uses a proven model that helps children significantly improve reading levels.
2018-19 measures of success from Readers Are Leaders
- 262 tutors worked with 193 students
- 4,716 volunteer hours were spent working with students
- Students collectively went up 764 reading levels
How are students selected?
How are students selected?
Classroom teachers and school site coordinators recommend students to participate in the programs. Recommended students are those approaching grade level reading proficiency, and are very likely to increase reading skills with the extra support and encouragement that tutors provide. Student attendance, MAP/reading level, previous participation, disposition and the number of other interventions the student receives are also considered. An effort is made to keep students in the program from year to year and to keep volunteers paired with the same students for multiple years.
Will I receive training?
Will I receive training?
Yes! United Way provides a training session and materials for their Readers Are Leaders tutors in October. No previous tutoring or teaching experience is required.
Can I volunteer during work hours?
Can I volunteer during work hours?
Yes! UW-Parkside’s new volunteer policy will allow you to leave campus to volunteer and be paid for your time. Of course, you will need to work out the details with your supervisor. View the Employee Volunteer Policy.
How long are the shifts?
How long are the shifts?
Your reading shift is only 30 minutes once per week. Of course, you will have to factor in travel time on both ends. We estimate that you will be gone from work up to 90 minutes each time you tutor.
Do I have to volunteer every week?
Do I have to volunteer every week?
No, find a colleague who is also interested and you can share tutoring a child with each of you volunteering every other week.
More questions?
Kaila Bingen | bingenk@uwp.edu
This initiative is brought to you by the Alan E. Guskin Center for Community and Business Engagement and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Council. In partnership with: