MPD Etiquette Dinner

October 11, 2023
5 pm - 6:30 pm

The Multicultural Professional Dialogues Etiquette Dinner is a joint event hosted by the UW-Parkside Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Advising & Career Center. The purpose of the MPD Etiquette Dinner is to provide students the opportunity to network with employers and actively practice professionalism in a formal setting. 

More about Multicultural Professional Dialogues:

Multicultural Professional Dialogues are career development sessions that provide guidance, preparation, and future opportunities for multicultural students to fully meet their career potential. Sessions have various topics that allow participants to build their career readiness skills and focus on understanding one’s unique, cultural lens in navigating diverse work environments. These opportunities are provided in the form of speaker presentations, panel discussions, etiquette meals, resume preparation, and more.

Luis Benevoglienti
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