Multicultural Professional Dialogues - Entrepreneurship for All

September 28, 2023
5 pm - 6 pm

Entrepreneurship for All

Come listen to a panel discussion about entrepreneurship including what steps and resources are needed to have your own business. Hear from an entrepreneur’s experience and professionals in the field who can provide guidance and best practices that you should consider. All are welcome, but please note that this session's topic is targeted at students in the College of Business, Economics, & Computing. Refreshments will be served. 


  • Dr. Nelson Soler, President & CEO – Latino Chamber of Commerce of Southeastern Wisconsin Inc. 
  • Abraham Santiago, Assistant Vice President - Huntington National Bank 
  • Johnathan Dye, Founder – Mr. Dye’s Pies 

Moderator: Dr. Michelle Gee, Dean of the College of Business, Economics, and Computing

Multicultural Professional Dialogues are career development sessions that provide guidance, preparation, and future opportunities for students to fully meet their career potential. Sessions have various topics that allow participants to build their career readiness skills and focus on understanding one’s unique, cultural lens in navigating diverse work environments.

Luis Benevoglienti

Kaila Bingen
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Advising & Career Center
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