Career Launch - Power Up Your Career Plan

Wednesday, February 26, 11am-1pm in The Commons, Wyllie D-1
This is a one-stop career and professional development event to help ALL students with their career plans.
Students can sign-up for a time to participate in a practice or “mock” job interview with an employer who will provide feedback on how they did and offer tips and suggestions on improving their interview skills.
Students can sign-up for a time to meet with an employer to have their resumes reviewed to make sure their resume is professional and up to the standard of what employers today look for. They will also be given suggestions on how to improve their resumes.
Students can also visit any of these career stations between 11am-1pm to get help:
How to create or improve your LinkedIn or Handshake account & profile
Get a FREE professional photo headshot to upload to your LinkedIn and Handshake profiles
Register for the Spring Internship & Career Fair and receive a free swag bag and printed list of all 80+ employers who will be recruiting at the fair
Check out the Jockey Career Closet and pick up some professional clothing to wear to the spring career fair or to an upcoming job interview
Visit with recruiters at our 3 employer sponsor tables: AbbVie, Froedtert South, and Uline and learn about their internships and jobs!
Free food & refreshments!
Career Services