Parent University


The Parent University committee strives to create awareness amongst the community and families of KUSD in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Parkside to open community spaces and dialogue about important topics revolving Higher Education.

The following three sessions have been selected to kick off its first year of programming. Sessions started on Jan 29, 2020, and were offered on the last Wednesday of the month on a monthly basis. For information about future sessions via video and in-person, follow us on Facebook.


Why Higher Education?

This session will help families and students create a plan and analyze the different options available within its community. This session will challenge students to think critically of their future and motivate parents to encourage and support their students through this journey of discovery.


Career Pathways to College


This session will help students and families distinguish the differences between pursuing a career at the technical level and university level. Students will be provided with career profiles as well as the tools needed to evaluate the options at hand. Students will also look at length of programs and how to choose a major.


Scholarship Night

Students and families will be provided a guide on how to search for scholarships and create effective essays. Students will also navigate through search engines using various criteria to find scholarships that best match their interest and qualifications.


Gia Gutierrez

Gia Gutierrez
Program and Operations Manager


Joseph Young

Joseph Young 
Admissions Counselor 

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