Parking Permits Available Aug. 1
While permit costs have increased slightly, Parkside continues to be below the UW System average. At Parkside, we enjoy convenient parking options and our facilities team does a great job maintaining our parking areas, roadways and walkways.
The cost of faculty, staff, and student parking permits supports:
Public safety
Our campus is a safe place to learn, work and visit. It is also an open and public environment. In addition to many other important responsibilities, the UW-Parkside Police and Public Safety Department assists motorists with jump starts, small amounts of fuel, and opening locked doors. The "Safewalk" program assists students, faculty, staff and visitors who may not be comfortable walking to their vehicles alone.
Parkside shuttle
In addition to fuel costs, permit fees support the maintenance of our two UW-Parkside shuttles.
Parking lot maintenance
Snow removal, ice control, striping, asphalt repair, lighting, etc.
Bond payments and future expenditures
Bonds that financed new parking areas for the Student Center and The Rita are being repaid. Revenue from permit fees covers these payments and helps build funds for future renovation and maintenance of parking areas.
Parking Permits 15/16 Cost
- Annual Commuter Student $200
- Fall or Spring Semester Commuter $105
- Tallent Student Discount $115
- Summer Semester Commuter $65
- Annual Housing $210
- Annual Full-time Staff $200
- Annual Part-time Staff $115
- Semester Staff $105
- Reserved $400
- Daily Visitor $4
- Housing Visitor Overnight $4