Budget Update May 18
The Committee on Joint Finance (JFC) is scheduled to address the state budget proposal as it relates to the UW System within the next two weeks.
Reminder: After action by the JFC we will not have a clear picture of the FY2016 and FY2017 budget until the Board of Regents approves the FY2016 budget its July 9 meeting.
At the campus level, we have submitted a balanced budget for FY2016 and addressed the ongoing structural deficit. Once we know the amount of the proposed reduction for FY2016 and FY2017, we will develop annual and long-range financial models, use one-time funds to bridge funding gaps, focus on growth, reduce expenses where possible, and work to acquire support from UW System.
We will continue to engage with budget managers, campus leaders, and governance groups to plan for the future and achieve our goals of fiscal stability.
Chancellor Debbie Ford has asked the University Committee with collaboration of the Faculty Budget Committee to engage in dialogue to consider: "If the full cut of $3.5M is allocated to UW-Parkside, what changes would be recommended to the instructional allocation of resources (instruction comprises 42 percent of the campus operating budget and academic support is 15 percent of the budget; total budget for academic affairs represents 57 percent)."
Discussions for the campus community as we navigate changing fiscal times:
- How might we deliver academic programs and student services differently?
- Where do we have duplication in our curriculum and service array and what changes should we make?
- What are UW-Parkside's high-demand programs?
- What policies or practices hinder enrollment growth and student success?
- What should we stop doing?
- How do we gain efficiency and effectiveness in our administrative services?