Prepping for the Primaries

Prepping for the Primaries

Published: March 11, 2016
By: Nancy Retana

As citizens, we want to participate in the electoral process. Wouldn't it be nice to know what we're doing?

 In the two party majority rule based system of American presidential politics, primaries are often predictable, leading to an even more predictably Party Convention.

This year, we have seen some different twists and turns in both the Republican and Democratic campaigns, and it is likely that the primaries in Spring 2016 will remain surprising and perhaps even perplexing.

Faculty from UW-Parkside will lead a conversation to 'sort it all out' and help participants compare and evaluate the prospective candidates and also to understand the intricacies of the American electoral system that may have an impact on who is nominated, and who is elected.

Panelists will make a brief presentation on the primaries, the candidates and the issues. Followed by discussion and input from the audience.

The panelists include:

Dr. Jennifer Correa, Assistant Professor of Sociology

Dr. Craig Frizzell, Associate Lecturer of Political Science

Dr. Christopher Hudspeth, Assistant Professor of Ethics

This will be held at the Racine Public Library at 75 7th Street, Racine, WI 53403 on Monday, April 4th at 6:30 pm. For more information, click here!

Sponsored by the UW-Parkside's Politics, Philosophy and Law department in the College of Social Sciences and Professional Studies, and the Racine Public Library.


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