A Message from Director of Athletics Andrew Gavin
KENOSHA, Wis. - Director of Athletics, Andrew Gavin has announced that he will become the next Director of Athletics at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Here is a message from Andrew:
"My wife and I came to Kenosha and UW-Parkside in August 2017 as a family of three. The nearly six years we have experienced here, while not void of unexpected twists and turns have been a true blessing to our family. We have added three Kenosha babies and have grown to a family of six. Not only are we a bigger family, but we’re a better family because of our time in Kenosha and our time at UW-Parkside.
It is with mixed emotions that I share the news that I have accepted an exciting opportunity to become the new Director of Athletics at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. I will begin my duties in this role on April 17, 2023.
We came here because we felt we could make an impact at Parkside, but we will leave far more grateful for the impact you all have made on us. Over the course of the next couple of months, as we embark on this transition, Ashley and I hope to connect with so many of you that have positively impacted our family.
I am proud to say humbly, loudly, and unapologetically that Parkside Athletics is better today than ever. Our #RangerIMPACT core values have served us well, creating the foundation for positive outcomes and progress. From a successful conference transition, an enhanced student-athlete experience, the completion of our RangerVision 2020projects, navigating the Pandemic, the growth and additions to our amazing staff, and our impact and partnerships in the community, WE have done great work and positioned Parkside Athletics for a phenomenal future.
In my time at Parkside, I have gotten far too much credit for our success. Our staff here in athletics has been incredible. The leadership, starting with Chancellor Ford, the Chancellor’s Cabinet, and the faculty and staff, have been collaborative partners and very supportive of our vision. Our alumni and the community have been receptive and generous with their partnerships and support. Parkside Athletics has benefitted greatly and produced amazing outcomes because of this team effort, which will continue to benefit the university under the new leadership.
If you’d like to read more about SIU Edwardsville and their announcement, visit SIUECougars.com.
Opportunities for goodbye will come later. There is so much for the Rangers to accomplish tonight, this weekend, and in the coming weeks.
For today, thank you. We appreciate you."
From Chancellor Ford:
Congratulations to Andrew on his new role as Director of Athletics at SIUE. On behalf of UW-Parkside, we appreciate his leadership of Parkside Athletics since 2017. Andrew led the transition to the GLIAC conference, negotiated partnerships with regional businesses creating Parkside’s Community of Champions, successfully completed the Ranger Vision Campaign 2020 resulting in transformational changes to the Sports and Activities Center, and always placed student athletes at the center of decision making. His impact positions Parkside athletics for continued success. We wish Andrew and his amazing family a successful transition and as we say at UWP, once a Ranger, always a Ranger!