Moving Forward
Sustain Momentum;
Remove Barriers;
Illuminate the Bright Spots!
In what can only be described as a challenging and changing environment for public higher education, we must continually evaluate how we go about meeting the needs of our students and the demands of our communities.
Because of your passion, dedication, and commitment, UW-Parkside has achieved some rather historic milestones in student success:
- More graduates in the past five years than during any other five-year period in our history
- The highest second-year to third-year retention in our history
I invite you to read more about student, faculty and staff success from each of our academic areas. You'll find links at the bottom of this page.
To sustain this successful momentum, and to strengthen our reputation as a valued and relevant education partner, we must remove any and all barriers that could impede our growth or hamper our ability to transform our communities and the lives of our students.
We must also illuminate our bright spots.
As I mentioned at our last Leadership Assembly in April, five themes guide our decision making:
- Academic Excellence
- Innovations in Learning and Growth
- Student Success
- Partnerships and Community Engagement
- Fiscal Stability
During the summer, we implemented a functional realignment for key administrative areas of the university.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Kim Kelley now reports through the Provost's Office and is responsible for Innovations in Learning and Growth including:
- Library
- Enrollment Services
- Teaching and Learning Center
The unit will focus on the launch of UW-Parkside degrees via distance-learning and flex delivery formats; improving campus-based services for adult learners; maximizing partnerships with K-12 districts and two-year college partners; and growing enrollment.
Under the direction of Dean of Students Dr. Tammy McGuckin we have created a comprehensive and integrated Student Success Unit by aligning:
- Advising and Career Center
- Campus Activities and Engagement
- Diversity and Inclusion initiatives and resources
- Housing and Residence Life
- International Student Services and Study Abroad
- Multicultural Student Affairs
- New Student Orientation
- Parkside Academic Resource Center
- Persistence and Completion initiatives
- Student Center
- Student Health, Counseling and Disability Services
- Student Support Services
These areas will focus on increasing student participation in high-impact practices, and closing gaps between the current student experience and the ideal student experience.
Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation, and Grants Administration will be administered by the Associate Provost Dr. Gary Wood.
Integrated marketing, community partnerships, outreach, and all other university marketing and communications initiatives and services are now aligned in University Advancement and directed by Assistant Chancellor for University Advancement John Jaraczewski. This will optimize our ability to tell the UW-Parkside story in times of limited resources.
How will these new strategic alignments affect you? You may be working more directly with colleagues who were previously outside your particular department or division. The goal is to strengthen our campus and achieve new levels of success as we approach our 50th anniversary in 2018 and beyond.
As I mentioned, to learn more about the success of our students, faculty, staff and alumni, please review highlights from each college.
College of Arts and Humanities
College of Business, Economics, and Computing
College of Natural and Health Sciences
College of Social Sciences and Professional Studies