Comprehensive Fundraising Plan

Published: November 30, 2020
By: Tom Krimmel and Hannah Wallisch, University Advancement

One thing COVID-19 did not delay over the last year was planning for UW-Parkside’s first comprehensive campaign.  (What’s a comprehensive campaign? Unlike a capital campaign, which raises funds for building projects, a comprehensive campaign raises funds for many university needs: scholarships, programs, endowment, capital, etc.) 

Over the past 30 years, the university has conducted several studies of our readiness to launch a significant comprehensive fundraising campaign. Previous studies indicated that our stakeholders were not prepared to embrace a large fundraising campaign for UW-Parkside. The current study, which was conducted by nationally recognized consulting firm BWF over the past year, tells a much different story! 

Study Findings 

Through campus leadership interviews, developing a case for support, a review of our internal systems and staffing, database analysis, and a series of interviews with potential donors (many of whom are alumni), the campaign study found the following: 

  • Sophisticated donors. Significant giving capacity. Emerging program. 
  • Not managing enough high-capacity prospects. 
  • Nearly universal support for key campaign priorities, especially student scholarship, faculty/program support, and athletics. 
  • High respect for university and volunteer leadership, including a desire for an enhanced role among volunteers. 
  • Current staffing and resources incongruent with prospect potential. 


While we have areas where growth is needed to be truly ready for a campaign, one point that came through loud and clear from the study was about CONFIDENCE. Donors and potential donors are confident in the importance of UW-Parkside for our region and beyond, and they are confident that the university can and will deliver on its mission. As you can see from these summarized comments, they believe in UW-Parkside and agree that our focus on student support and more is the right direction for the campaign. 

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There is also a significant level of confidence in our key fundraising partner, the UW-Parkside Foundation. The Foundation Board of Directors has positioned the Foundation to be a good steward of the investments donors make in this campaign. Their infrastructure and financial strength have grown significantly over past five years as shown in the following graphs. 

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 Be sure to follow along in the next Monday Update for the Campaign Study Recommendations along with ways to get involved! 

Ranger Reminders

Each week Ranger Reminders highlight important events and happenings around campus and beyond.  To see a full slate of UW-Parkside activities, check the UWP events calendar

Get tested! Don’t forget to get tested as you are returning from Thanksgiving break. Don’t let COVID slow you down as we finish the semester. Sign up for your free test at


Leadership Assembly | December 3, 2020 | 2 p.m.

Join us for the final Leadership Assembly of 2020 on December 3 from 2-3 p.m. via WebEx.

Click here: Leadership Assembly 12-3-2020 Attendee Connection Link

Here is the agenda:

  • COVID Update
  • Fiscal Update
  • Comprehensive Campaign
  • RangerVision 2020 
  • Chancellor's Report

SEDI Forum |December 4, 2020 | 2 p.m.

The Student Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion advisory council (SEDI) is an integral part of creating a more inclusive and welcoming climate at UW-Parkside. The purpose of the council is student advocacy, and the group reviews existing practices, advocates for change, and provides a platform for students to voice concerns about campus culture and climate. SEDI is a new initiative on campus to support those from disadvantaged backgrounds (racial / ethnic / religious), from the LGBTQ+ community, and / or with disabilities. 

We are hosting a forum with Chancellor Ford next Friday, December 4th at 2 p.m., open to all Faculty / Staff, as well as students. If you have an issue pertaining to equity, diversity, or inclusion here at Parkside, please sign-up to speak with the Google Form below or simply attend the forum to make your voices heard to Faculty / Staff and Chancellor Ford.

Click here: SEDI Forum 

COMMversations: Graduate School, Master of Arts in Professional Communication | December 2, 2020 | 1 p.m.

What we do and how we create community in the communication department has changed. While there are fewer random conversations in the hallways or before or after classes, we still wish to be connected with you and to help you stay connected with and informed about the department.

And, students interested in majoring in communication or studying any of our many minors and certificates are always welcome!

Think of COMMversations as an open office hour with ALL of the faculty in the Communication Department. Each week will focus on a theme, and there will also be time set aside for any questions you have or just to chat and virtually mingle with department staff and other students.

Click here: Join on Teams

UW-Parkside Blood Drive | December 3, 2020 | 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The blood supply in Southeast Wisconsin is low at a time when the need is great.

DONATE & RECEIVE a cool Culvers "Pint for a Pint" or a warm Versiti Strong winter hat (while supplies last).

To schedule an appointment call at 877-232-4376 or click here

Customer Experience Lessons Learned Through the COVID-19 Pandemic | December 4, 2020 | 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Every company is experiencing the financial impact of COVID-19 and addressing challenges in a variety of ways. By learning together from our mistakes, we address challenges creatively and open doors to innovation. In this webinar we explore lessons learned from our Customer Experience Certificate Program along with top challenges and solutions. We will explore the top issues impacting CX amidst this pandemic from the perspective of 100 national brands across 10 industries.

Click here:

A Number | December 4, 2020 |7 p.m.

A Parkside STUDIO production livestreamed from Studio A

The only way to change the past is to create a new one... In a strikingly familiar future, a regretful father attempts to fix the mistakes he made in raising his son by starting over with a clone—or rather, a number of clones. But is it really possible atone for the sins of the past? Powerful, unpredictable and devastating, Caryl Churchill’s suspenseful A Number sees the shocking story unfold as the men reconnect over several encounters, delving into what really happened and allowing the audience to explore for themselves: who do you trust, and who is to blame?

Request tickets: 

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