Foreign Film Series: Italian Showcase

Published: August 12, 2016
Thursday, Sept. 8 – Sunday, Sept. 11
University of Wisconsin-Parkside Student Center Cinema
Saturday, Sept. 10, Presentation and reception in Main Place of Wyllie Hall

In honor of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Foreign Film Series 35th Anniversary, the college of Arts and Humanities presents a Showcase of Contemporary Italian Directors Sept. 8-11in the UW-Parkside Student Center Cinema. 

UW-Parkside Foreign Film Series 35 yearsItalian directors have time and again, created cinematic moments that continuously have an influence on American filmmaking. Many American directors such as Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Spike Lee, and Martin Scorsese have credited the work of Italian directors with influencing their own efforts.

The Italian Showcase includes five movies by contemporary Italian directors. Prior to the Saturday, Sept. 10,showing of "Reality," a reception and presentation features Patrick Rumble, professor of Italian, European studies and visual culture studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Rumble's research areas include the history of Italian cinema, and experimental and avant-garde filmmaking and literature. He serves on the editorial boards of The Italianist (film issue), Parol: Quaderni d'arte e di epistemologia, Studi Pasoliniani, and is a contributor to Artforum. He is currently working on a history of the art cinema in Italy.

Tickets for each of these five shows are $2 for Foreign Film Series patrons and $5 for non-patrons. The patron discount applies only to those who will purchase or have already purchased a season pass to the 2016-2017 Foreign Film Series.

Tickets to the presentation and reception are free, but are only available to those who have purchased a ticket to one of the five films. Please note that regular Foreign Film Series tickets do not apply to the Italian Showcase.

RT-FF-directorTickets to the Italian Showcase can be purchased online at Patrons are encouraged to purchase tickets online to expedite the purchase and keep ticket availability readily apparent. Ticket orders can be mailed to UW-Parkside Ranger Card Office, P.O. Box 2000, Kenosha, WI 53141-2000; or call 262-595-2307. Tickets will be mailed and late orders will be held in the Student Center box office.

Discover More About the Italian Showcase
Thursday, Sept. 8
"I'm Not Scared" - 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 9
"Honey" - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 10
Professor Rumble presentation – 5 p.m.
Reception – 6 p.m.
"Reality" - 7 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 11
"The Wonders" – 3 p.m.
"Il Divo" – 6 p.m.
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