My Millennial Experience
Kamala Burks is a communications assistant working in University Relations for the spring 2017 semester. She attended a presentation by New York Times best-selling author Lindsey Pollak. Ms. Pollak is an expert on millennials in the workplace. Ms. Burks is a millennial who graduates this summer.
Today I had the amazing opportunity of attending millennial expert Lindsey Pollak's seminar "Inspiring the Multigenerational Workplace." Within the first five minutes, I was completely hooked!
Lindsey captured the audience by sharing her
knowledge. This was probably one of the first times I attended a seminar and
didn't see people texting, chatting, or scrolling through their social media
news feeds.
She began the presentation by addressing different generations and the stereotypes that go along with them. They were honestly spot on. Not to go too deep into this particular topic, but I now know why I seem to click more with colleagues and friends who are baby boomers rather than those from generation X. Lindsey hit on all of the major key points on how millennials can excel in the workplace.
She mentioned four key elements of a personal brand: visibility, differentiation, consistency, and authenticity. As a senior graduating later this year, I will ask myself some key questions that Lindsey provided as pursue a career.
- Am I visible? How am I exposing myself to different jobs?
- What am I known for? What can I bring to the table?
- Is my image consistent in a professional setting, and my social media presence?
- Am I genuine? Do I feel comfortable in my environment?
If you ask yourself these questions, and really think about them, you'll find that your job search may be more effective. I now know to pay very close attention to my perspective employer's style and preferred method of contact, and that introducing yourself and eye contact is key. I also learned how far a simple thank-you letter will take you.
Most importantly, I gained exposure to more ideas and, perhaps, a professional connection. As college students we should take full advantage of every educational opportunity - attend seminars, career fairs, meet and greets, and events - stay involved, and build on your presence.