02/12/2025: Caution: Due to inclement weather all in-person classes from 4 pm onwards 02/12/25 have been canceled. Online classes continue as scheduled. MORE...


Published: February 12, 2020
By: UW-Parkside Marketing & Communications

SOMERS – University of Wisconsin-Parkside Music Professor Dr. James Kinchen invites area vocalists to audition for the university’s Master Singers choral group and the opportunity to perform during the choir's 30th ANNIVERSARY SEASON.

Auditions will be held on two successive Mondays -- February 13 and 20 at 6:45 pm. Appointments are helpful but walk-ins are also welcomed. Auditions are non-competitive and are intended primarily to test range and vocal quality.

The MASTER SINGERS was organized by Dr. Kinchen in the 1989-90 academic year and, since its inception, has performed a number of choral masterworks, most times with orchestra. Some of these include: Messiah (Handel), Elijah (Mendelssohn), Magnificat in D (Bach), Requiem and Confessor's Vespers (Mozart), Nelson Mass (Haydn), Nguzo Saba Suite (Burleigh), Requiem Mass (Verdi), German Requiem (Brahms), Requiem (Fauré), Magnificat (J.S. Bach) and Mass in G (Schubert). Since 2011, most performances have been held in beautiful, acoustically superb Frances Bedford Hall on the UW-Parkside campus. Over the years, MASTER SINGERS has bought together a thriving singing community that draws from choral singers in the region (some who have been away from singing for years) as well as past and present students. Most of all, it has enriched the artistic life of Southeast Wisconsin.

Participation for community members is free. Auditions will be held in the Rita Tallent Picken Regional Center for Arts and Humanities (the RITA) in room D164. For further information or to make an audition appointment, please email or call Dr. Kinchen at kinchen@uwp.edu or 262-595-2111.

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