Master Plan Preserves Woodlands and Prairie
Published: October 27, 2014
Another important aspect of the 2014 Master Plan is the preservation of restored prairie and old-growth forest identified as areas of permanent preservation. The UW-Parkside campus encompasses more than 700 acres. Authors of the plan identified permanent preservation areas, those areas that may be considered for development in the future, and near-term change areas.
Framework Plan Key:
Dark Green
Areas for permanent preservation; highest quality environmental areas: flood plain, wetlands, old-growth forest, restored prairies and other spaces that have significant development restrictions because of their importance as environmental resources. The 2014 Master Plan recognizes these areas and suggests that they be permanently preserved.Light Green
Open spaces; varying levels of quality and it is expected that the university is not going to need them for as a building site or for infrastructure use during the next 20 years. Beyond 20 years, they may be needed for campus expansion.
Near-term development; these areas around existing buildings are where more immediate change is likely and would be welcome.