UW-Parkside Receives NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Computing in Undergraduate Education – Transformation Grant
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is pleased to announce that the Principal Investigator, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Ramasamy, along with co-Principal Investigator Mr. Anthony Aiello, has been awarded an Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Computing in Undergraduate Education – Transformation (NSF IUSE: CUE-T) Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
The four-year collaborative project entitled "Collaborative Research: CUE-T: Broadening Participation in Computing via Active Learning Strategies in Multi-Institution Online Synchronous Learning Environments" is led by Dr. Peter Clarke (Lead PI) at Florida International University (FIU). The total funding is approximately $2,000,000; FIU receives $900,000, and UW-Parkside receives $220,000. The other partner institutions include Alabama A&M University, Florida A&M University, Humboldt State University, and Rider University.
The grant aims to investigate the impact of integrating inclusive and equitable pedagogies in computing online synchronous learning environments (OSLEs) and promoting resource sharing among multiple institutions.
Dr. Vijayalakshmi Ramasamy is an accomplished researcher with over 27 years of teaching and research experience. At UW-Parkside, she holds multiple positions of Chair, Associate Professor, and Director of the MSCIS Program of Computer Science. Dr. Ramasamy's research expertise in graph data analytics extends to diverse fields, including computational neuroscience, computer networks, social networks, and undergraduate STEM Education.
Dr. Ramasamy expressed enthusiasm for the project, stating, "We believe that by integrating inclusive and equitable pedagogies within computing OSLEs and leveraging the power of collaborative resource sharing, we can revolutionize how students learn and engage with computer science. Our ultimate goal is to foster inclusive excellence and broaden participation in computing education."
This NSF-funded project represents a significant step towards fostering inclusive excellence in computing education and has the potential to impact the broader field of online learning. To learn more about this project and its full abstract, please visit the NSF Award page at https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2246005&HistoricalAwards=false.
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Media contact:
Derek Fye
Communications Manager
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Fye@uwp.edu | (262) 771-5419