New Opportunities for Area Youth
Published: July 22, 2014
When the Kenosha Kingfish took on the La Crosse Loggers at 7 p.m., Tuesday, July 29, at historic Simmons Field, pre-game festivities will marked the beginning of an exciting, new opportunity for student success in Kenosha.
University of Wisconsin-Parkside Chancellor Debbie Ford and Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha Board President David Wilk officially launched the "University of Excellence," an education path focused on achievement in the classroom and the community that leads to college attainment and successful career opportunities.
"The Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha has a strong history of helping young people succeed," Ford said. "Through the University of Excellence, UW-Parkside is committed to making sure more students have access to a great university education."
Working with counselors, advisers and mentors at the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha, students who achieve success in certain academic areas will be guaranteed admission to UW-Parkside. Each year, two students who complete the University of Excellence program will receive a scholarship to attend UW-Parkside.
"The key to the University of Excellence is guaranteed admission," Wilk said. "We know there are plenty of great kids who can succeed, but may not always show that potential on standardized university entrance exams. At the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha, we see proof every day that there are many indicators of success."
In addition to the University of Excellence ceremony before the start of the game, the Tuesday evening home contest was part of the season-long UW-Parkside "Two-For-One Tuesdays." Area high school students with valid student ID get two tickets for the price of one.
"Education means opportunity," said Colin Caloia, owner of the Kenosha Kingfish. "It's great to see the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha and UW-Parkside working together to ensure more opportunities for more students. I'm happy the Kingfish can provide a way for our fans to learn about this important partnership. "
Community groups and individuals who wish to contribute to the scholarship program that directly supports the University of Excellence and members of Boys and Girls Club who complete the program and attend UW-Parkside should contact Hannah Wallisch, development officer – Scholarships and Grants, at 262-595-2233.