Senate Membership

Updated September 26, 2023
Senators and alternates for each department should normally serve two-year concurrent terms.

Art And Design (ART)
Dan Martin                                  
Doug Singsen (ALT)                                                   

Biological Sciences (BIOS)
Christopher Noto
Fabian Preuss (ALT)                

Business (BUS)
Tarila Zuofa (ALT)                                

Chemistry (CHEM)
Garrison Komaniecki                
Ilirian Dhimitruka (ALT)                                          

Communication (COMM)
Anjuli Brekke
Jackie Arcy (ALT)

Computer Science (CSCI)
Kaushik Ragothaman
Viji Ramasamy(ALT)

Criminal Justice (CRMJ)
Aubri McDonald
Nicholas Salimbene (ALT)

Economics (ECON)
Dennis Kaufman                                         
Ling Li (ALT)                            

Environmental Studies (ENVS; center)
Jessica Orlofske

Ethnic Studies (ETHN; center)
Laura Khoury

Geography and Anthropology (GEAN)
Kenny French
Kate Gillogly (ALT)

Geosciences (GEOS)
John Skalbeck
Zhaohui ‘George’ Li (ALT)                     

Health, Kinesiology, & Sport Management (HKSM)
Brian Lyons
Megan Parietti (ALT)

Health Sciences (HS; center)
Suresh Chalasani
Jose Palao (ALT)

History (HIST)
Ed Schmitt
Beth Brownson (ALT)

Institute of Prof Educator Dev (IPED; Dept.)
Maria Franshaw
Courtney Wirtz (ALT)

International Studies (INTS; center)


Leadership and Personalized Studies (LPST; center)


Literatures and Languages (LILA)
Tara Pedersen                             
Mary Lenard (ALT)

Mathematics and Physics (MAPH)
Bom Soo Kim
Ryan Karr (ALT)                                      

Multidisciplinary Curricula (MDC; center)             


Music (MUS)
Laura Rexroth
Ami Bouterse (ALT)

Politics, Philosophy and Law (PPL)
Simon Akindes
Jenny Keefe (ALT)

Professional Studies (PRST; center)
Philip Wagner

Psych, Prof Counseling, & Neurosci (PPCN)
Aaron Carlstrom       
Ann Friesema (ALT)

Sociology (SOC)
Mita Banerjee

Theatre Arts (THEA)
Rachel Swartz
Jody Sekas (ALT)                                       

Women’s, Gender, and Sex Stud (WGSS; center)
Dana Oswald
Fabrice Conte-Williamson (ALT)

University Committee
Christopher Hudspeth (UC Chair)
Rob Barber
James Kinchen
Terry McGovern
William Parker
Adrienne Viramontes

Chancellor Scott Menke (ex officio, NV)
Provost Robert Ducoffe (ex officio, NV)
Secretary of the Faculty Greg Mayer (ex officio, NV)
PSG President Elishai Riley (ex officio, Voting)
Academic Staff Committee (ASC) Chair Laura Mason (Denise Olstinske, ALT) (ex officio, Voting)
University Staff Committee (USC) Co-chair Carol Kinsley (Sherry Craig, ALT) (ex officio, Voting)

Voting Members = 34          
Quorum (majority) = 18
Non-voting Members = 3; (Voting members: 20 departments + 8 centers + 6 UC + 3 other = 37 total; however, 3 centers are unrepresented, thus there are 34 voting members)

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