Journal of Science Volume II Issue I
Parkside Journal of Science aims to be the premier undergraduate research journal compiling all the research being conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
Each semester, the PJS team of students will publish independently conducted research done by students of UW-Parkside, review current scientific articles, interview faculty members pertaining to their work, and address present issues in the scientific community.
The motive behind the Parkside Journal of Science (PJS) is to shed light on the projects of UW-Parkside students and present them to a wider audience in an effort to inspire creative inquiry amongst the student body. Furthermore, we intend to build a community centered on scientific collaboration. PJS will be the vehicle driving an open forum for scientifically curious individuals.
The scope of this platform is comprehensive, stretching across multifarious disciplines such as biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, computer science, sociology, anthropology, geoscience, and mathematics. While the bulk of our published material is related to the UW-Parkside campus, it is not solely confined to Wisconsin territory. A great deal of students travel abroad on trips, and our faculty routinely conduct projects in foreign lands with implications spanning the globe.
Our mission is to ignite scientific curiosity amongst the Parkside community and beyond!
Volume II Issue l
We invite you to join us in exploring the many ways that research at UW-Parkside and beyond has had an impact in just the last year. Thank you for taking the time to read this issue, and GO RANGERS!