Charlotte Aguirre
Bio coming soon!

Kaitlyn Andresen
I am a senior in biology with minors in chemistry and criminal justice. I have a great interest in wildlife ecology and vertebrate zoology and plan to pursue a graduate degree in this field after graduation. I enjoy sharing my interests with others, and the Parkside Journal of Science is a fantastic opportunity to do so. I think it is very important to bring relevant research to the attention of students who may want a future in science, and that is my goal through PJS.

Grace Cayemberg
My name is Grace Cayemberg and I am a second-year Applied Health Science major. After graduating from Parkside, I want to enroll in a physician assistant program to fulfill my dreams of working in the medical field. I have always had a strong passion for science and admire the continuous advancements made within it. I am so excited to be involved in the Parkside Journal of Science as it will benefit my academic career and further my knowledge within the science industry.

Mireya Cervantes
Bio coming soon!

Nour Chaer
Bio coming soon!

Proxson Cheriyan
I am a second-year Biological Sciences major with minors in Chemistry and Psychology. I became a member of the Parkside Journal of Science because I wanted to write about and share interesting new ideas or research. I am interested in neurology and psychology and am trying to pursue an MD to work in neurology or one of its subspecialties.

Jacqueline Cruz
I am a Biology major with a Spanish minor in my senior year. I plan on going to medical school and pursuing an MD. I joined PJS because I saw it as an opportunity to meet more science loving individuals and be a part of something outside of the classroom.

Shaye Dostal
My name is Shaye Dostal and I am a senior majoring in Biology with a minor in Spanish and Psychology. I plan to pursue a career as an Anesthesiologist as I am drawn towards how the body perceives and processes pain and how medicine affects those processes, as well as how advancements are being made in order to solve these problems. Being able to help an individual lead a more pain-free and fuller life motivates me towards medicine. This is my first semester with the Parkside Journal of Science, but I am excited to share with and inspire others in the field of research. I hope that through communicating our research, others can become involved in Parkside Journal of Science as well.

Chandu Goli
Bio coming soon!

Max Koke
I am a senior majoring in Applied Health Sciences with a concentration in Public Health and minors in Biology and Health Psychology. My intent is to do a direct entry master's program to become a Nurse Practitioner where I can apply my deep biological, psychological and public health knowledge to treat underserved communitunites. I hope to bring that desire to Parkside Journal of Science to help educate and inform others about the world of Biology!

Jennifer Lavine
I am a junior majoring in Biology. My goal is to pursue a Doctorate of Medicine, as I aspire to become a cardiologist. Being involved in Parkside Journal of Science has not only exposed me to applicable research, but has also provided new experiences and opportunities for growth. Over the years PJS has continued to bring together many wonderful students and being among those who share similar passions and goals has been extremely beneficial.

Astrid Levesque
I am currently a first-year Biology major trying to pursue an MD or an MD/Ph.D. I joined Parkside Journal of Science because of my interest in learning about new scientific research, additionally, I would like to share with others my passion for science. I personally am interested in research that is done about infectious diseases or chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Haroon Mian
I am currently a senior and an Applied Health Science major. In the near future I have the ambition of going to dental school. I joined Parkside Journal of Science in the hopes of contributing to the fantastic research being done on campus by faculty and students. Additionally I have always had an interest in scientific research and this club has allowed me to explore the subject.

Malika Mian
I am currently a first-year Biology major trying to pursue an MD/Ph.D. in the future. I love learning new things, and that is one of the main reasons I joined the Parkside Journal of Science; to discover and showcase how fascinating the science field truly is and how it's transforming the world. In addition, I hope to share new and innovative global research with you all, particularly in the medical field.

Cecilia Quevedo
I am a second-year Computer Science major with a minor in Economics. I joined the Parkside Journal of Science because I wanted to immerse myself in an environment committed to sharing the research going on at UW-Parkside.

Iridian Sanchez
My name is Iridian Sanchez and I’m excited to be part of Parkside’s Journal of Science. I will be graduating this May with a bachelor’s in Psychology but I hope to work in the field of pediatrics in the future where I can make an impact in the lives of children. I joined PJS to spread the word on how valuable research can be among my peers and to make our research well-known on-campus.

Trever Schneider
I am a first-year Chemistry major who has a huge passion for hands-on science and would like to pursue an MD. I am participating in the Parkside Journal of Science because this organization explores wondrous opportunities in nearly all branches of science. From scientific questions to research studies, I feel this organization will provide helpful preparation for any career in science.

Debbie Stenzel
I am in my second year of college pursuing a major in Applied Health Sciences and minors in chemistry and biology. After graduation from Parkside, I hope to go on to medical school to pursue a career in surgery. I am always looking to learn new things so I felt that science was the field for me. My unquenchable curiosity is also why I joined the Parkside Journal of Science. My involvement in the club has given me the opportunity to look into advancements in science and share information that I think my peers will appreciate.

Thomas Stirrat
My name is Thomas Stirrat, and I am thrilled to be a part of the Parkside Journal of Science. I started PJS a couple of years ago with the intention of spreading the word about the wonderful work that is being done at UW-Parkside. I am currently completing my last semester here with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry. I will be starting medical school in the fall where I aim to pursue a career in interventional radiology and academic research. My goal is that through our semesterly publications we will be able to reach students who will ultimately be inspired and drawn towards research.

Jeremiah Swanson
I am a non-traditional student majoring in Biological Sciences with a minor in Chemistry with a Green Chemistry certificate. My goal is to pursue a Doctorate in Medicine. I have enjoyed countless hours in research labs and doing fieldwork, which have undergirded my desire to become a physician. I have been part of the PJS team since its conception. I was excited about the prospect that PJS would allow more UW-Parkside students to be exposed to the broad-ranging research at our institution, and motivate them to get involved at an earlier time during their college years. Over the past few years, PJS has blossomed from a tiny spark of an idea into an officially recognized University organization. I have had the pleasure of meeting students that have been able to get involved with research, and that have gotten involved earlier, during their undergraduate journey thanks to PJS.

Emma Schultz-Stachnik
Bio coming soon!

Tyler Thompson
Bio coming soon!

Kay Corro-Trujillo
My name is Kay Corro and I am a senior majoring in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics. This is my second semester with the Parkside Journal of Science, and I can definitely say that it has encouraged me to apply my knowledge in scientific writing. After graduating from Parkside, I would like to find a position in an industrial laboratory for a few years, before moving on to a PA program. I have no doubt that I will continue to find my experience in writing with PJS useful in my professional career.

Nick Winter
I am currently a Biological Sciences and Secondary Education Major and hope to one day teach Biology in a classroom. I joined the Parkside Journal of Science to learn more about the opportunities here at Parkside and to become more knowledgeable in the field of science. I personally love Physics and Biology and hope to share that love with others.